Healing with Gems and Crystals
It is being increasingly accepted that gems and crystals possess incredible healing powers. They have the capacity to aid us in our spiritual transformation and speed up the healing processes of the body by correcting any imbalances within. Based on the wisdom of the ancients, the author discusses and shares how gemstones can help add years of buoyant health to your life. This complete introduction to the healing properties of gems and crystals discusses how to choose, clean and prepare crystals and gems for healing. The book has been published in US, Germany and France, and this is the first Indian edition.
Astrology for You ...
Astrology is not a complex science as it often made out to be and, in the hands of the world-famous 'human computer' Shakuntala Devi, it becomes yet simpler and easier to understand and practise. The present book discusses zodiacs, planets, asterisms, the rising signs, Bhavas, Yogas, Dasas and their effects and transits. It enables the reader to cast a horoscope, and also read one. There are tables of correction for various cities and for sidereal time. It is a complete book that leaves nothing to become an amateur astrologer.
Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!
Robert Schuller shares his philosophy of 'Possibility Thinking' and translates it into an action plan for success and shows you how to build a self-image with positive thoughts and know the truth that after every storm, there is a calm! Every problem has a solution. It is our attitude to get going when the going gets tough as well as fight to face the obstructions that deprive us of our mental or physical peace which is the key to every problem in our life. Life is full of ups and downs. All of us have problems, but through this book Schuller show you how to build a positive self-image and emerge a winner. No matter how tough times get, don't give up, manage the problem creatively and constructively, and you will succeed. We need to tackle our problems with courage, confidence and action. There's an old Chinese saying that goes, "If you live with a problem long enough, it could eventually become a blessing." Within every hardship in life, there is always a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. All we have to do is look for it and act on it.