Bartand Arther Rasel (बर्ट्रांड आर्थर रसेल)
एकोनिसाव्या-विसाव्या शतकातील एक विख्यात, विचारवंत व तत्त्वज्ञ म्हणून रसेलची ओळख आहे. एक गणितज्ञ, तत्त्वज्ञ, तर्कशास्त्रातील पंडित म्हणून विद्वतेच्या परिघातील त्याचे स्थान मोठे होते. असं असलं तरीही त्यांच्या व्यक्तिमात्वाचे इतर कितीतरी अधिक पैलू हेही तितक्याच तोलामोलाचे राहिले. त्याचे लिखाण मैलिक होते. गणित व तत्त्वज्ञानात त्याने स्वतंत्रपणे स्वात:च्या विचारांची मोलाची भर घातली. त्यानंतरच्या काळात जागातिक परिस्थित जे परिवर्तन आले त्याचा वेध घेउन रासलेले आपल्या वैचारिकतेचे वालन बदलले. पुढे त्याने जे विषय निवडले ते सामजिक प्रश्नान्बाबत होते. त्याविषयी लिहिताना त्याने जे लिहिले ते लोकांना समजेल आशा सुटसुटीत शैलीत. त्यामुले तो सर्व सामजिक स्तरांवर लोकप्रिय ठरला. बौद्धिक क्षमता व सामाजिक भान अखेरपर्यंत उणावले नाही. त्याच्या करकर्तृत्वाचा प्रभाव आंतरराष्ट्रीय घडामोडींवर विसाव्या शतकात अबाधित होता. रसेल्ची अव्वल दर्जाची प्रतिभा, वायरल द्रष्टेपणा आणि हाती घेतलेले काम शेवटपर्यंत पुरे करण्याची त्याची जिद्द यांचे मूळ काहीसे त्याच्या पूर्वायुष्यात, अर्थात ज्या परिस्थितीत तो लहानाचा मोठा झाला त्यात मिलते.
Spiritual Masters Sri Ramakrishna: Love That Knows
Sri Ramakrishna is one of the greatest spiritual masters to have lived on this earth. The God-man of nineteenth-century India did not found any cult, nor did he show a new path to salvation. His message was his God-consciousness. A truly divine, God-realised soul, Sri Ramakrishna’s life demonstrated the meaning of spirituality and the harmony of all religions. In this pithily written and delightfully evocative book, the author brings out the endearing simplicity and catholicity of Sri Ramakrishna. The Master is not one of those serious, formidable figures of dry religiosity. Indeed, Sri Ramakrishna’s life is a mart of joy and dipped in irresistible humour. Sri Ramakrishna illustrates the exquisite art of living; a radiant love without limit suffuses his being and fills ours. This book provides fresh insights into the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and is a valuable addition to the existing literature on the Great Master.
Spiritual Masters: Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), born Narendra Datta, is Indias most celebrated and charismatic monk. Handsome, brilliant in studies, an image of contained strength, a lover of music and poetry . . . yet deep inside Narendra the seed of search had begun to sprout at an early age. Unable to understand the superstition-ridden rituals of the Hindu religion and desiring to know about the originating source of his great Hindu heritage, Narendras search ended when he finally met his guru, Sri Ramakrishna. Swami Vivekanandas brilliant speech at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893 brought him fame in India and abroad. In a short life span of thirty-nine years, he propagated the rich Hindu spiritual culture in India and abroad and brought about an awakening among the people of his country. He organised the Ramakrishna Order of Monks that works tirelessly for the uplift of mankind. Swami Vivekanandas inspirational writings, speeches, and vision remain relevant even today and will continue to inspire future generations for all times.
Sardar: Vallabhbhai Patel
SARDAR PATEL was one of Indias strongest and most dynamic leaders.This book examines the extraordinary contribution of Sardar Patel in the creation of a strong and united India. It details his unflinching support to Gandhis satyagrahas, his role in overcoming challenges to Congress unity, his farsightedness inthe formation of the Indian Administrative Service, the integration of over 560 princely states, and his visionary views on Kashmir, China, Tibet, Nepal. The book also includes rare and unpublished correspondence with select top-ranking ex-bureaucrats and army chiefs to flash new light on the role of Patel in post-independent India.
Dare to be Different and Grow Rich: Secrets of Sel
More than just another “Get rich quick” manual, Dare to Be Different and Grow Rich is an insightful and thought-provoking journey through 150 years of cultural and business history. Packed with useful advice, interesting facts and entertaining anecdotes, it moves from gold-rush California to wartime Berlin, and back to modern-day Silicon Valley, from Disneyland to Saudi Arabia, from Levi Strauss to Starbucks, from John D. Rockefeller’s oil fields to Warren Buffett’s Omaha, to tell a compelling story about the ambition to succeed against all odds, which drives men and women to aim higher and higher. Taking its cue from the success stories of businessmen and -women as well as world-class athletes, musicians and other figures of public life, popular icons like Steve Jobs, Coco Chanel, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, and others who are big names only to insiders, this book amply demonstrates that greater wealth is by no means the only difference between them and the vast majority who have little or no success in life. Dare to Be Different and Grow Rich offers a definitive philosophy for success. This book is for everybody who has the courage to dream.
Guru Nanak : Spiritual Masters Series
India is blessed with a rich spiritual legacy.Many great masters have arisen here,pursuing different paths in their quest for the Ultimate Truth.Yet their message has always been one of immense tolerance and compassion. Guru Nanak was born in the 15th century during a period of political and religious turmoil in India.Tension between Hindus and Muslims had escalated,leading to a greater polarization of the two religions.Nanak created synthesis of Hinduism and Islam with the belief that God is one.He advocated a casteless society based on truth,brotherhood and equality.He spent twenty three years travelling not only in India but also in Tibet,Ceylon and the Central Asian countries of Arabia,Iraq and Iran,preaching the truth as he had perceived it and showing mankind the path to salvation. This book tells the fascinating story of a unique messiah who showed a gentle,peaceful path to God-realization.The world has far greater need of Nanak's message and teachings now than ever before.
Spiritual Masters : Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth's life on earth left a larger mark on Western history than that of any other man or woman. Why is this so? He lived two thousand years ago, he wrote nothing himself; in fact, everything we know "officially" about him is contained in about hundred often redundant and occasionally contradictory pages. He seems to have been on the record for approximately three years of his life, from the age of about thirty until he was killed, aged about thirty three. But what he taught in that brief span of time has pervaded Western thought for two thousand years - years that are measured throughout much of the world from the time of his birth, a date that chronologically divides Western history into two parts, Before and After. In this book the remarkable story of Jesus Christ has been narrated in his own words, bringing alive the times and teachings of this great messiah. This book is brought out by the Publisher in The Spiritual Masters Series.
Women In Hindu Society
In ancient patriarchal societies, the birth of a girl was generally not welcomed. The daughter was considered the weaker sex and did not have an important role to play in family matters. During the Vedic period, as also in the ancient period, the birth of a female child was accepted although a male child was preferred. As time passed, the conditions for a girl in society changed for the worse, eventually leading to the heinous crimes of foeticide and infanticide. Despite the efforts of educationists and social reformers, the status of women has not improved dramatically. Over the years numerous social, constitutional, and legislative measures have been implemented to empower women economically and politically. It is tragic that even in the twenty-first century, rape, dowry deaths, and other crimes against women are rampant. This book studies the status of Hindu women from the Vedic Age to the present, analysing the steps taken to improve their condition. Education and economic empowerment of women alone can bring about positive change and reduce gender bias. A transformation in the attitude of men is necessary if the notion of equality between men and women has to be more than a distant dream.
Uncrowned King Of Nonsense
Lewis Carroll, the author of two children's classics Alice in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass, is lovingly remembered and widely quoted, but very few would associate Carroll (his pen-name) with the Oxford don, Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832–1898). Yet Carroll was but a shadow—a shadow whose substance was C.L. Dodgson. Dodgson taught mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford, for twenty-six years but his twin loves were mathematics and logic on the one hand, and little children on the other. He entertained children, photographed them, and went for outings on the river with them. It was during one such river expedition in 1862 that Alice in Wonderland was born as narrated to a seven-year- old Alice Liddell. When published in 1865, the book made him famous overnight. The success was repeated with its sequel Through the Looking Glass in 1871. Dodgson, a don and a bachelor, was no doubt a genius but he was also an eccentric. One of his illustrators, Harry Furniss, has summed up the man as “a wit, a gentleman, a bore and an egotist—and like Hans Andersen, a spoilt child”. This book explores the life and works of Lewis Carroll, a master of the art of nonsense, who blended logic, mathematics, and poetry into the most glorious absurdity.
Chronicles Of A Quality Detective
The journey towards zero-defect manufacturing is a long and checkered one. Checkered because some quality defects are tenacious and they persist even after the most sophisticated quality management techniques have been deployed. Most available techniques work within the confines of known cause-effect relationships to identify the root cause of quality problems. But when a problem arises where the root cause lies outside the bounds of known cause-effect relationships, these techniques fail. This book describes the evolution of a technique, called Differential Diagnosis, which charts a dramatic, new path towards diagnosing root causes. It involves deep observation of the problem, emphasizing the absence of phenomena rather than the presence, thus permitting the elimination of a whole range of possible causes. In the process, the area of search is dramatically reduced and the root cause becomes easily identifiable. The book uses case studies that are narrated against a backdrop of a professor-student relationship, making it eminently readable as well as informative. The case studies are drawn from real life applications of the technique by the authors. They are very simply presented, with minimal technical data, making the material accessible to readers from all disciplines. Chronicles of a Quality Detective is "thrilling, amusing, entertaining and most of all, informative," says Mr Masaaki Imai, Founder Chairman of Kaizen Institute, who has also written a foreword to the book. Chronicles of a Quality Detective was released in two successive launches. The first was at the Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Matunga, Mumbai on February 15, 2005. The second was at Crossword, Kemps Corner, Mumbai on March 8th, 2005. Mr. Masaaki Imai addressed the audience, followed by a book-reading and interactive session with the authors.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh
ook Summary of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh is one of the most well-known revolutionaries of the Indian freedom struggle. He came from a patriotic and politically-aware family in Punjab and grew up in a strong cultural and political environment. He was deeply influenced by the discussions on political affairs that took place regularly in his house and in which every member of the family, irrespective of age or gender, was encouraged to participate. It was natural, and perhaps inevitable, that this interest in politics would not be limited to discussion but would translate into active participation whenever it was felt necessary. Bhagat Singh studied the European revolutionary movement and was greatly attracted towards socialism. He realised that the overthrow of British rule had to be accompanied by a reconstruction of Indian society with power in the hands of the working class. A firm advocate of justice and equality, he was extremely courageous and patriotic to the core. Determined to free his country from foreign rule, he turned to revolution as the only means to drive away the British. Bhagat Singh was convicted in the Lahore Conspiracy case and hanged on 23 March 1931. A brave young life was sacrificed at the altar of India's freedom struggle.
Shiva to Shankara: Decoding the Phallic Symbol
Shiva To Shankara: Decoding The Phallic Symbol, written by Devdutt Pattanaik, is an attempt by the author to reconcile with the differences of opinion regarding the meanings and the varied symbolisms behind the Shiva linga and other practices associated with the Hindu deity, Lord Shiva. The book dives into the rituals, metaphysics, stories, and symbols associated with Shiva, and deciphers the meanings and references behind the various aspects of Lord Shiva. It differentiates between Shankara, the householder, and Shiva, the hermit. Shiva is often associated with alchemy and asceticism, and there are sexual references, especially in the phallic Linga, that are interpreted in different forms by different schools of Hinduism. The sexual connotations of the Shiva lingam, which is ensconced within the female reproductive organ that is represented by the Yoni, is dealt with in this book. The author, Devdutt Pattanaik, is a respected mythologist and an expert in Hindu mythology. He was born in the year 1970, on December 11, and graduated from a medical school before he took up Comparative Mythology. Pattanaik is well-known for integrating the wisdom from Indian mythology into management practices. He has many books to his credit, including Shiva: An Introduction, 7 Secrets of Shiva, Fun in Devlok: Shiva Plays Dumb Charades, and The Book Of Ram.
UG Says
'I am not a Saviour of mankind. I am not in the holy business. I am only interested in describing this sate (the natural state) in clearing away the occultation and mystification in which those people in the holy business have shrouded the whole thing. May be I can convince you not to waste a lot of time and energy looking for a state which does not exist except in your imagination.' U.G. Krishnamurti. This,in a nutshell,explains U.G. Krishnamurti's philosophy in his own words. UG,as he is fondly called died on 22nd March 2007 at the age of eighty nine. This book is a compilation of his quotes,compiled by Arun Babani. An excellent handy book both for the admirers and the curious.
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920) was the first national leader of the Indian freedom movement who transcended provinces, communities, and languages to establish himself in the hearts of millions. Tilak was a fierce advocate of swarajya (self- rule) and his famous quote, 'Swarajya is my birthright, and I shall have it!' is well-remembered even today. Tilak's life touched millions. He was a warrior-hero and a scholar-philosopher, a man who lived a life of action with total selflessness in the pursuit of freedom for his motherland. He was a soul steady in reason, a sthithapradnya. As he stood, rock-solid and consistent amidst the ocean of turmoil, he earned the love and admiration of the people and came to be identified as Lokmanya, 'the admired one'. This book explores the multi-faceted personality of Bal Gangadhar Tilak-social reformer, scholar, and national leader-through the eyes of the people, convincingly portraying a man of the people and the people of his times.
Gandhi - A Spiritual Journey
Beginning with his childhood and early years in South Africa, Gandhi: A Spiritual Journey explores the search for truth and the spiritual transformation of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Influenced by western thought in his youth, Gandhi underwent a deep inner conflict that drew him to the study of comparative religion. His experiments with spiritual ideas, derived from a living faith in God, led him to propagate the principles of ahimsa and satyagraha. Gandhi was as much in politics as he was in search of God and the desire for God-realisation was the mainspring of all his actions, both political and social. Could Gandhi have internalised his quest for God and still remained a leader of the masses? What is Gandhi's spiritual legacy that continues to inspire so many leaders across cultures? Can Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence address the ills of today's strife-torn world? This book examines Gandhi's spiritual ideology and traces his life-long journey in quest of truth that led him to conclude that Truth is God.
India's Bismarck Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
As prime minister of Britain, Churchill had ordered the preparation of an imperial strategy with the intention of balkanising India and tightening Britain’s post-war hold over her. The strategy envisaged two Pakistans, one in the west and the other in the east, both large in size at India’s expense: the west to include the non-Muslim east Punjab; the east, the whole of Bengal (despite Hindus comprising almost half the population), and the predominantly Hindu Assam. Within her borders, India was to be balkanised with the creation of independent confederations of princely states. Attlee’s policy statement of 20 February 1947 was to implement the same, and Mountbatten was given the mandate to transfer power and quit India by June 1948, a date that was advanced to August 1947. However, Churchill’s imperial strategy was foiled by Patel. He stood in the way of transfer of power, unless Punjab and Bengal were divided. Fearing the loss of Congress cooperation, Mountbatten was forced to reach an agreement with Patel. Patel’s most significant gain was that Britain would not interfere in the settlement with the princes. This enabled Patel to integrate over 560 princely states in a period of about18 months and helped him to create a united India. This book examines the extraordinary contribution of Sardar Patel, from his unflinching support to Gandhi’s satyagrahas and the Indian freedom struggle, to his farsighted and courageous approach in building a strong, integrated India.
Hindusim : Triumphs and Tribulations
Sanatana Dharma,which later came to be known as Hinduism,goes back at least five thousand years.In the course of its long journey through the centuries,it evolved,transformed,flourished and sometimes floundered.A succession of invasions by foreign powers significantly changed the ancient culture,in many ways contributing to it s richness and at the same time damaging and redefining it. In this honest and introspective study of the history of Hinduism,the author analyses it s strengths and weaknesses,and addresses it s contradicitions through contemporary eyes.He traces the origins of negative practices like untouchability and casteism that have crept into Hindu society.Debating the issue of conversion in India,he examines the nature and meaning of secularism in a multi-religious society.This book helps to clarify many misconceptions about Hinduism.
Corruption And the Lokpal Bill
Its recent times there has been outrage at the brazen corruption, impunity and economic imbalance in our society. It has been marked by an expression of public anger against those in power. The Lokpal movement has seen, for the first time, India's people on the streets, in the courts, and inside the Parliament, working man issue that aims to make India a better place. The middle classes, so far fairly silent on the episodes of corruption, have become Incite outspoken. If corruption has to be tackled effectively; a lot depends on the pressure that the people are able to bring to beacon the political class. This book takes a look at corruption from the times of Kautilya and traces its history in our times. It assesses the journey of a measure intended to fight corruption and what happens to it in the power play of politics. Which way will this go? The Lokpal movement is just the beginning. Are we, as responsible citizens, fully aware of what the struggle against corruption involves? The outcome of this struggle concerns us all. Are we doing enough to cage the monster of corruption ? Or will we let it continue to overwhelm us with its sheer size and brutal presence? About The Author M. V. Kamath eminent writer, columnist and journalist, is the author of over 45 books. Born in 1921, he started his career in journalism in 1946. He was the correspondent at the United Nations for the Press Trust of India, and in Bonn. Paris and Washington for the Times of India. He was also editor of free press Journal and later of the Illustrated Weekly of India. A prolific writer, Mr. Kamath is the author of numerous biographes and books , which include The pursuit of Excellence, B.G. Kher: The Gentleman premier, sai Baba of shirdi: A Unique Saint, and Nani A. Palkbirala: A life. In 2004, Mr. Kamath was awarded the padma Bhushan by the Government of India. He has been given a D.Lit. (Honris Causa) by Mangalore University in 2007. He has been chairman of Vigyan Prasar. He was chairman of Prasar Bharathi, and is currently honorary director of the Manipal Institute of Communications. He lives in Manipal,Karnataka. Gayatri Pagdi is a full-time writer, translator, editor and professional ghostwriter of books. A published author in the UK, her work has also been included in The South Asian Literary Review brought out by the University of Pittsburgh, USA, as promising contemporary south Asian writer and poet. She has received an acknowledgment front the prestigious Sahitya Akademi in India. Pagdi has worked on several biographies of historical and spiritual figures as also books on Indian culture, belief and history. Her areas of interest are culture & history; anthropology of belief and practices and the esoterics. She is based in Mumbai.
Spiritual Masters: The Buddha
The Buddha,Siddhartha Gautama,livedand taught over 2500 years ago.His teachings comprised some of the highest moral philosophy then known to man and appealed to the rational and the poetic mind alike.He led a remarkable life,travelling and teaching ceaselessly for forty five years after attaining enlightenment.Today,Buddhism is one of the world's most widely practiced religions,drawing followers from lands far away from the place of birth of Buddha. In this book,three men narrate the story of the Buddha's life.One is his son and disciple,Rahula.Another is King Bimbisara's charioteer,Triguna,who is a creature of fiction.The third narrator is ananda,a cousin and disciple of the master and later,his attendant.As they proceed with the narration,their understanding of Master's Teching deepens,enabling each one to achieve his own transformation.