How Toyota Changed The World
Toyota rose from the ashes of World War II to become, just fifty years later, one of the dominant automakers in the world. How did Toyota do it? How did it go from making cars that Westerners pointed to and laughed at to making cars, like the Lexus, that people now lust after? That's what this book is all about. As veteran writer K. Dennis Chambers shows, Toyota, crazy like a fox, had a long-term plan to become a top-tier player in the auto industry. Through patience, persistence, and a willingness to dream of a different future as well as to look back to the past for ideas, Toyota has succeeded step by step.
How To Make Winning Presentations
Presentation is the term we use to refer to all kinds of puposeful communication. We all spend large portions of our life "making presentations". How to Make Winning Presentations will give you many ideas, but the ideas themselves won't do any good until you try them. Stud the Action Tips in this book, apply them, and you'll see a dramatic improvement in your ability to get your ideas across with clarity and impact. Take the mystery and fear out of making a speech or a presentation with How to Make Winning Presentations. Learn to feel comfortable and in control when speaking before one or 1,000 people
You can negotiate anything
Negotiation is a field of knowledge and endeavor that focuses on gaining the favour of people from whom we want things : prestige, freedom, money, justice, status, love, security and recognition. 30 weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers List, this book is the result of thirty years of laborious work, interaction and involvement of the author, Herb Cohen, in thousands of negotiations. He aims to illuminate one’s reality and its opportunities and points out thinking and behaviors, options and alternatives from which one can choose and have a way of getting what one wants.
Who Will Cry When You Die?
When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice. - Ancient Sanskrit Saying Does the gem of wisdom quoted above strike a chord deep within you? Do you feel that life is slipping by so fast that you might never get the chance to live with the meaning, happiness and joy you know you deserve? If so, then this very special book by leadership guru Robin S.Sharma, the author whose The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series has transformed the lives of thousands, will be the guiding light that leads you to a brilliant new way of living. In this easy-to read yet wisdom-rich manual, Robin S.Sharma offers 101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems, ranging from a little-known method for beating stress and worry to a powerful way to enjoy the journey while you create a legacy that lasts.
Celebrating Success & Failure
India Today What he teaches is essentially a mix of psychological, yogic and meditation exercises tinged with the latest management jargon. Business World He is the latest Guru on the corporate scene. And his program on Stress and Creativity are being lapped up by executives from top-notch companies. The Times of India TOI does a poll on who talks the talk best. Swamiji tops the list on all counts. This is one man who has the abillity to reach out to every member in the audience. Swamiji is erudite, often lyrically so. His programs have been consciously designed to suit the widest spectrum of people, to keep metaphysical and semantic speculations to the minimum.
Mega Living
We all have the potential for a Perfect Life – to achieve great things and live a life filled with joy, accomplishment and pure bliss. In some of us, this potential is slumbering deep inside, waiting to be tapped and tested. National Bestseller, Megaliving will quickly make things happen in every aspect of your life. With the finest strategies and techniques available to profoundly improve your mind, body and character. This book contains the revolutionary results of over ten years of research with the leading principles of personal mastery and successful living; and reveal to you the 200 master secrets for making your life a magical dream.
Discovery Your Destiny
Like the other bestselling books that fueled the worldwide Monk Who Sold His Ferrari phenomenon, Discover Your Destiny is written as a rich and rewarding fable. Readers are introduced to Dar Sanderson, a highly ambitious executive who appears to have it all on the outside but lacks happiness, meaning and inner peace.
Leadership Wisdom
In this eagerly awaited sequel to the phenomenal national bestseller "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", leadership guru and renowned professional speaker Robin S. Sharma shares a remarkable step-by-step system that will transform the way you lead your team and renew trust, commitment and hope within your organization. With masterful insight and brilliant simplicity, Sharma has distilled timeless wisdom for visionary leadership into a series of immensely practical lessons that leaders, managers and entrepreneurs can immediately apply to boost morale, liberate loyalty and send productivity soaring in these topsy-turvy times.
Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources
Goodness has no need to enter the soul," wrote a fourteenth-century Christian mystic. "It is there already, simply unperceived. "Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources" is Eknath Easwaran's phrase for the spark of divinity hidden in every one of us, regardless of our personal liabilities or past mistakes. And is Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources he shows this spark of divinity can energize our lives. Love, compassion, meaning, hope, and freedom from fear are not qualities we need to acquire, Easwaran points out. We simply need to uncover what we already have. And in this book he shows us how. He begins with instructions in a simple method of meditation that he himself has taught and practiced for more than thirty years. - a method that gradually removes the conditioning which hides our native goodness. The following chapters each take a theme from the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount. Easwaran ties these themes to specific strategies for putting meditation to work Christian mystics - among them Meister Eckhart, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Terasa of Avila, and John Ruysbroeck. Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources will appeal to people who want to learn how to meditate but seek a method that fits comfortably within the Christian tradition. It is full of helpful suggestions for making spiritual ideals a practical part of daily life.
The Theory Of Everything
The Theory of Everything is a unique opportunity to explore the cosmos with the greatest mind since Einstein. Based on a series of lectures given at Cambridge University, Professor Hawking's work introduced "the history of ideas about the universe" as well as today's most important scientific theories about time, space, and the cosmos in a clear, easy-to-understand way. Professor Hawking transformed our view of the universe in his landmark bestselling book A Brief History of Time, and most recently in the bestselling Universe in a Nutshell. Here he reviews ideas about the universe from Aristotle to Newton and Einstein, applying the principle of quantum mechanics to the Big Bang, black holes, and the universe's ultimate fate. He goes on to advance a "no boundary" theory of time and space that could lead to one unified theory and a true understanding of our universe. The Theory of Everything presents the most complex theories, both past and present, of physics; yet it remains clear and accessible. It will enlighten readers and expose them to the rich history of scientific thought and the complexities of the universe in which we live.
Total Quality Management
This book is one of the few texts devoted to the subject of total quality management which has generated interest world wide. The material is based on research work carried out by the authors over the last 10 years. The book provides managers with sound practical advice on how to initiate and implement total quality management. It imparts comprehensive knowledge on quality management concept, philosophy, its components, development and implementations using structured and illustrative case studies.
The Art Of living
The art of living contains practical guidence for every day living. It also deals with subjects like: How to be more likeable How to read character The art of developing memory The divine art of making friends.
Shree Swami Samarth Akkalkot Maharaj
Akkalkot Maharaj, recognized by many as an incarnation of Dattatreya, first appeared in Akkalkot in 1856. There he stayed for nearly twenty-two years. When asked about his parentage and childhood, he gave various, sometimes contradictory, answers to inquirers. One account put forth by deotees asserts that after traveling in the Himalayas, the Swami sat in samadhi for three hundred years in a dense forest. He became completely covered by anthills, and a large tree grew beside him. Once a woodcutter came to the forest and chose that particular tree for cutting. Laying his axe first to the anthill, he was surprised to see blood oozing from it. Pulling down the anthill, he discovered the Swami beneath it. Roused from samadhi, the Swami declared the incident to be Divinely ordained as it was time for him to go into the world and continue his mission. The Swami is said to have then wandered for a hundred years, performing many miracles, before appearing in Akkalkot. The Swami was unpredictable, appearing mad to many, and full of miracles. He loved his devotees with a great passion, and like other Adepts of the Crazy Wise style, he was paradoxically full of both human and Divine qualities. Once, when asked who he was, he replied, "I am this infinite universe; I am everywhere. Yet my favorite resorts are Sakyodri, Girnar, Kasi, Mathapur, Karveer, Panchaleswar, Audumbar, Karanjnagar, Narasimhvadi, and Gangapur."
Options & Futures
Derivatives are instruments that allow traders to maximise returns and simultaneously enable them to limit losses. Readers will learn about a variety of trading strategies that will allow them to hedge their existing positions, make speculative profits and lock-in fixed arbitrage gains. A distinct feature of this book is that it is written from an Indian perspective, and thus covers many issues regarding futures and options that are specific to the Indian market. An in-depth look at futures & options strategies and information related to accounting and taxation of derivatives is given. Readers are exposed to derivative instruments in the capital market and also interest rate, foreign exchange futures and other derivatives including swaps and FRAs.
How To Make Winning Presentations
It will give you many ideas, but the ideas themselves wont do any good until you try them. South the action Tips in this book apply them and you will see a dramatic improvement in your ability to get your ideas across with clarity and impact
Making Miracle
As you follow the simple day-by-day program designed by Drs. Arnold and Barry Fox, you will learn to tap into the secrets of miracle making that are in your control. You will: