A world in which war means peace, freedom denotes slavery and ignorance spells strength, a chaotic society is sure to grow under the shadow of dictatorial powers in 1984 george orwell brings forward the terrors of such a chaotic society
The Diary Of Young Girl
Anne Frank 12 june 1929 in Frankfurt am Main – early March 1945 in Bergen Belsen) is one of the most renowned and most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Born in the city of Frankfurt am Main in Weimar Germany, she lived most of her life in or near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. She gained international fame posthumously following the publication of her diary which documents her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. By the beginning of 1940 they were trapped in Amsterdam due to the nazi occupation of the Netherlands. As persecutions of the Jewish Population increased in July 1942, the family went into hiding in the hidden rooms of her father Otto Frank's office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank's office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, were eventually transferred to the Bergen-belsen concentration camp where they both died of typhus in March 1945.
Great Works Of Edgar Allan Poe
The man of the crowd is the title of a very distributing tale by Edgar poe. In it there is a man a strange man an old man who walks non-stop. And there is another man who payiny attention to the man who walks decides to follow him. One the first man walks among the crowd of the city of london during the day during the afternoon during the night. He walks and walks non-stop. And he carries with him both a diamond and a dagger. In narrative of Arthur Gordan Pym (1838), poe's famous tale the secret theme is the terror of whiteness. Poe invented tribes that live near the antartic circle. The strange bestial humans are black even down to their teeth. They have been exposed to the terrible visitations of men and white storms. These are mixed together and they slaughter the crew of pym's vessel. The raven is a narrative poem which was first published in January 1845. It is noted for its musicality stylized language and supernatural atmosphere, it tells of a talking raven's mysterious visit to a distraght lover, tracing his slow descent into madness. The lover, often idebtified as a student, is lamenting the loss of his love lenore
Great Works Of Leo Tolstoy
As an author,Leo Tolstoy successfully portrayed a row of striking elements of the society he lived in through some of his most popular works like 'War and Peace' and "anna Kareinna'.Details of the most minute nature make the novels an amazing pieces of art. War and Peace appears on the list of some of the greatest novels in English fiction.The novel presents a study of 19th century Russian society.Tolstoy rendered a realistic display of the social conditions of the time in that novel, which deals with the histories of five aristocratic societies.The Russian social life during the war against Napoleon (1805-14) forms the structure on which the novel rests. Anna Kareinna, another work of Tolstoy revolving around the similar themes of marriage and social life, is yet another popular piece of literary art. All the works of Tolstoy depict the philosophy of life he formed after being a witness to the conventions of the society he lived through
Animal Farm
Orwell's classic political fable is often cited as simply a condemnation of Stalinism, which it certainly was, but its political relevance is both wider and more enduring, as novelist Ann Patchett notes in her introductory essay to this new edition. Among the lessons contained in its pages is the need of politicians for "The Enemy" (think Axis of Evil) and the dangers of individuality to oppressive political order