Ratan Tata Ek Deepstambh (रतन टाटा एक दीपस्तंभ)
शंतनू नायडू हा विशीतला तरुण, 2014 साली, ऑटोमोबाईल डिझाईन इंजिनिअर म्हणून काम करू लागला. वेगाने धावणार्या गाड्यांच्या चाकांखाली चिरडल्या जाणार्या स्थानिक भटक्या कुत्र्यांना वाचवण्यासाठी त्याने एक अभिनव योजना शोधून काढली. स्वतः रतन टाटांना भटक्या कुत्र्यांबद्दल अतोनात कणव असल्याने त्यांनी शंतनूच्या कृत्याची दखल घेतली. त्याने प्रभावित होऊन त्यांनी शंतनूच्या या व्यवसायात पैसे तर गुंतवलेच; पण कालांतराने ते शंतनूचे गुरू, बॉस आणि अनपेक्षितपणे प्रिय मित्रसुद्धा झाले. ‘रतन टाटा एक दीपस्तंभ’ ही एक अतिशय प्रामाणिक आणि मनःपूर्वक सांगितलेली भावकथा आहे. एकविसाव्या शतकातला तरुण आणि ऐंशीच्या दशकातला तपस्वी यांच्यातल्या अनोख्या नात्याची चुणूक आपल्यासमोर येते आणि त्यातूनच भारताचा लाडका मेरूमणी आपल्यासमोर वेगळ्याच प्रकाशात झळकतो.
I Came Upon a Lighthouse
An endearing portrait of an Indian legend I told him that when I write a book, I would write about another side of him and not just historic events or business milestones. I would write about us and our adventures together, and how I saw him, colours and shades of him unknown to the world. Life beyond the great steel wall of 'industry doyen'. He agreed. 'There cannot be one book that captures everything ... So you do your thing, give your perspective.' It was their shared empathy for homeless dogs that sparked an unlikely friendship. In 2014, Shantanu Naidu, an automobile design engineer in his early twenties, developed an innovation to save the local strays from being run over by speeding cars. Ratan Tata, himself known for his compassion for stray dogs, took note. Impressed, he not only decided to invest in the venture, but over the years became a mentor, boss and an unexpectedly dear friend to Shantanu. I Came Upon a Lighthouse is an honest, light-hearted telling of this uncommon bond between a millennial and an octogenarian that gives glimpses of a beloved Indian icon in a warm light.