Baked Dishes
Baked Dish' – This very term reminds us of continental cuisine. There is no denying that it is a very "Western" concept, but it has started making headway into Indian homes and that too at breakneck speed. The reason for the growing popularity of baked dishes could be attributed among other things to the excitement-seeking palates of today's youngsters, or to their desire to cook exotic dishes quickly and easily! I am sure you would have encountered the common baked dishes such as Vegetable Au Gratin and Baked Macaroni sometime in your life. Exciting though they are, the repertoire of baked dishes is in no way limited to these. Different cuisines have their own versions of bakes dishes. For example, the Mexicans have enchiladas, Italians have lasagne, and the French have the famous au gratin! Here, I have recorded a lot of traditional all-time favourite recipes from various cultures, including Mexican, Italian and French, as well as innovated and presented various new recipes. I know that the word 'bake' would immediately have conjured up the image of aromatic cakes, cookies, breads and pies, which delight the sweet tooth, but in this book I have broken away from the stereotype and focused on savoury meal-time baked dishes, which involve everyday bakes, quick bakes, party fare, and quiches and pies.
Fast Foods Made Healthy
Fast foods like pizzas, burgers, french fries, bhelpuri and heavy rich curries are all foods that can lure us away from the strictest diet. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could indulge in all such favourite foods and yet lose weight and remain trim. "FAST FOODS MADE HEALTHY" is a step towards this direction. All the recipes in this book are fast foods which most of us indulge in on a regular basis and worked at making them low calorie yet keeping them as delicious as the original recipe. Get ready to pack off all those unnecessary escess calories!! Recipes included are: Vegetable Burger - 433 calories v/s Whole Wheat Vegetable Burger - 274 calories Bhel Puri - 412 calories v/s Sprout and Fruit Bhel - 231 calroies Nawabi Curry - 85 calories v/s Low Calorie Bawabi Curry - 34 calories
Cakes Pastries
It is not merely the taste and the texture that make cakes appealing,but to alarge extent,their looks too.A brilliant cake might end up seeming qute ordinary,if not decked up suficiently well.However, decorating cakes is unfortunately no cake walk!It requires a lot of know -how,patience,time and creativity.Decorating pastries requires even more skill because each slice needs to look and taste good as the others. "Cakes & Pastries":A step by step guide to easy decorating using readymade sponges is an attempt to guide you step by step through the process of decorating cakes and pastries.From the classsic Black Forest and the intoxicating Chocolate Coffe Cake,to the sugar-garnished Peach Praline Gateau,the book shows how to create masterpieces,through clear sequential instructions and accompanying photos.However the book includes basic recipes for sponges,so if you have the time make it all in your kitchen itself! Just remember to understand the ingredients and instruments well,and read the instructions carefully (more than once if required),take a good look at the pictures and give it your best try.The author wishes you many creamy,dreamy moments.