A Fine Family
A Fine Family is the extraordinary chronicle-- rich in passion and incident--- of several generations of a Punjabi family. covers partition and then life in East Punjab. This novel set in India is the story of three generations of one family in the midst of a radically transforming world. The head of the household, Bauji, is a prominent lawyer in Lyallpur; he has a distaste for the "bazaar politics" of Mahatma Gandhi and believes in the British system of justice. Bauji is concerned about his favorite daughter, Tara, who chooses to work as a schoolteacher, much to her disadvantage in the marriage market. In 1947, when India gains its independence from Britain, violence breaks out in Lyallpur, situated in the newly created Muslim country of Pakistan. Bauji, his family and millions of non-Muslim Indians are forced to migrate, and thousands are left homeless, raped or dead. After the move, Tara, recently married, gives birth to a son, Arjun, who becomes the hope and the future for the dynasty in the new India. Giving each of the generations its distinct viewpoint, Das sensitively portrays both the life of a clan and a nation reluctantly, painfully, and, in the end, triumphantly adapting to change. First-novelist Das is a playwright and a professional manager of Procter & Gamble India in Bombay.
The Difficulty Of Being Good (द डिफिकल्टी ऑफ बीइं
महाभारताच्या प्रदीर्घ अभ्यासानंतर गुरुचरण दास यांनी आपल्या लेखनाद्वारे हा महान ग्रंथ आजच्या दैनंदिन जीवनातील पेचप्रसंगांवरही कसा प्रकाश टाकू शकतो हे दाखवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आहे. त्यांनी केलेले धर्माचे विविधांगी सखोल विश्लेषण वाचकांना वेगळीच मर्मदृष्टी देते. या पुस्तकातही महाभारताप्रमाणे नैतिक, राजकीय आणि सार्वजनिक - सामाजिक जीवनाचे प्रतिबिंब उमटले आहे.
The Difficulty of being Good
Gurcharan Das is an Indian author, columnist, and commentator. Six Indian publications carry regular columns by him. He also writes periodically for international publications. Gurcharan Das has been writing since he finished college and his books include The East India Company: The World's Most Powerful Corporation, Arthashastra: The Science of Wealth, India Unbound, The Elephant Paradigm India Wrestles With Change, Merchants of Tamilakam: Pioneers of International Trade, and A Fine Family: A Novel. His writing, mainly non-fiction, explores every facet of India, from its ancient past to current times. He has also written a work of fiction called A Fine Family. Gurcharan Das was born in 1943 in Lyallpur in the current Pakistani province of Punjab. After the Partition, his family moved to India. Gurcharan Das studied at Harvard University. He graduated with Honors in Philosophy. He later attended the Advanced Management program of Harvard Business School, where he is featured in three case studies. He has been the CEO of Procter & Gamble, India, and Vice President of Procter & Gamble, Far East. Later, he was Vice President and Managing Director of Procter & Gamble, Worldwide. After a 30 year career spanning six countries, he took early retirement in 1995 and became a full time writer. Currently his regular columns are featured in six Indian publications which includes Times Of India and five other publications in Hindi and regional languages. He also writes guest columns for Times magazine, New York Times, Financial Times, and The Wall Street Journal.
India Unbound
In India Unbound , acclaimed writer Gurcharan Das offers a ringside view of economic and social transformation of a nation. It is the riveting story of a nation s rise from poverty to prosperity and the clash of ideas that occurred along the way. Das shows how India s policies after 1947 condemned the nation to a hobbled economy until 1991, when the government instituted sweeping reforms that paved the way for extraordinary growth. Das traces these developments, deftly interweaving memoir with contemporary history. In doing so he has written a book that is impassioned and erudite. India Unbound is recommended reading for anyone interested in understanding modern India.