The Desi Guide to Dating
So, you're ready to start dating? But do you know what dating is? Do you like a girl but can't figure out how to ask her out? Do you have a friend who likes you but you just don't like him back? Perhaps you've downloaded a dating app but are unsure about how to start a conversation? Look, we know dating ain't easy, and for the average Indian, it seems that much harder as we've never been taught this stuff. Our society is unique and so are the problems we face. In an age of ghosting, cheating, blocking and ignoring, finding love is difficult but The Desi Guide to Dating is here to help you out! This book is your one-stop solution to all your dating needs. It helps you perfectly navigate the increasingly confusing world of dating with a step-by-step guide. How to ask her out, what to wear on your date, how to protect your heart, how to kiss the girl, how to fend off creeps and stalkers, and much more. Happy dating, folks! Your time has finally come.
Nikhil and Riya
How would I describe her? That she was tall and had long legs and wild hair? That she walked with her chin up in the air and found it hard to smile but was easy to love? That she ran so fast that she sometimes beat the wind? That she was the girl who was the keeper of not just my heart but also my soul? Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I had never met Riya, and sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if Riya had lived. Sometimes I wish I did not live every single moment of every single day knowing that there was once someone like her out there — someone who made me complete. That was us — Nikhil and Riya — a love story that had a start but no end. A love story that transformed me not once but twice, a love story that taught me not just to live but also to die. For anyone who has ever loved The Fault in Our Stars by John Green or Love Story by Erich Segal, here is a timeless love story that explores the journey of healing, moving on, learning to live and coming to terms with death.
India in Love : Marriage and Sexuality in the 21st
India in Love: Marriage and Sexuality in the 21st Centuryis a ground-breaking look at the sexual revolution that is beginning to sweep through urban India. Bestselling author Ira Trivedi travelled from Shillong in the northeast to Chennai in the south, Konark in the east to Mumbai in the west, and over a dozen other cities and towns, in order to gain unprecedented insights into changing sexual mores, marriage and love in the 21st century. The book explores the mating habits of young Indians on college campuses and in offices; examines the changing face of Indian pornography and prostitution, probes Indias gay revolution; and delves into history, economics and sociology to try and understand how the nation that gave the world the Kamasutra could have become a closed, repressed society with a shockingly high incidence of rape and violence against womenthe dark underside to the greater sexual freedom that men and women in our cities have begun to enjoy today. Trivedi goes deep into one of the most enduring institutions of Indian society-marriage and investigates how it is faring in modern times. She interviews marriage brokers, astrologers, lawyers, relationship counsellors, love commandos, parents and nervous young brides and grooms, amongst others, to present a nuanced picture of the state of marriage in the country. She discovers that love marriages are skyrocketing and even the age-old arranged marriage is undergoing a transformation. Also on the rise are divorces, extra-marital affairs, open marriages, live-in relationships and the like. Supporting her eye-opening reportage with hundreds of interviews, detailed research, authoritative published surveys and discussions with experts on various aspects of sexuality and marriage, Trivedi has written a book that is often startling, sometimes controversial, but is always entertaining and original. India in Lovewill change the way urban Indians view themselves and one another.
The Great Indian love Story
The Great Indian Love Story is set in a world where appearances mean everything and nothing is as it seems. There’s no time for love in a world that revolves around the latest Ferraris, the hottest nightclubs, diamonds, single malts, cocaine and ecstasy. In this whirl of wild parties, sex and drugs we meet Serena Sharma who lives her life one debauched night at a time, always falling for the wrong men. Her life is a rollercoaster ride: her father’s death followed by her mother’s remarriage, a broken heart and a lost love. Adding to this is her torrid affair with Amar Khanna—a trophy husband, coke addict and serial adulterer. Riya, jaded by her unsuccessful attempt to find a job in America, returns to Delhi to find the city of her childhood changed beyond recognition. Striking an unlikely friendship with Serena, Riya finds her complacent torpor shattered. The Great Indian Love Story is also the story of Parmeet, Serena’s mother, who looks for passion outside her marriage with disastrous consequences, and S.P. Sharma, Parmeet’s husband, who is driven to violence by her infidelity. Ira Trivedi weaves together sex, revenge, glitz, friendship and a chilling murder to create a potent cocktail in this gripping novel on the perfidious nature of love and power.