Eating Wasps
In a small town by the river Nila, a thirty-five-year-old writer kills herself. No one knows why. Fifty-two years later, an antique cupboard in a private resort opens to reveal a frightened child. And the mystery begins to unravel. From the bestselling author of Ladies Coupe comes an unusual new novel about the intensity – and consequences – of desire. ANITA NAIR IS A FINE WRITER WITH A GREAT SENSE OF CHARACTER... AND AN EYE FOR TELLING DETAIL. SHE CAN MOVE FROM TENDER COMPASSION TO SENSUALITY TO RAGING HATRED... A COMPELLING TELLER OF STORIES.
World Myths And Legends
Timeless stories told anew Find out how the world was created, why the sun and moon never meet each other though they live in the same sky, how clouds appear to save mankind from the sun's scorching rays, and why living creatures shed tears when they are in pain. Retold by bestselling author Anita Nair, these ageless tales come alive with a freshness and exuberance that is sure to delight and captivate.
Alphabet Soup for Lovers
Lena Abraham knows that love can end in only one way � disappointment. Her marriage to KK is perfect precisely because she is not in love with him, and their life on a tea plantation in the picturesque Anamalai Hills is idyllic. Then, one rainy morning, a man arrives to take up temporary residence in the homestay they run. Shoola Pani is south Indian cinema�s heartthrob, an actor in flight from his own superstardom, and the last thing he is looking for is emotional entanglement. But when Lena and he meet, something flares between them that neither could have anticipated. She becomes his Lee and he her Ship, and Arcadia the place they inhabit. Told partly from the point of view of Komathi, the cook, whose own relationship with Lena is fraught with buried truths from the past, this searing tale of unexpected passion and adultery reaffirms the magical power of love in all our lives.
Ladies Coupe
The story of a woman's search for strength and independence Meet Akhilandeshwari, Akhila for short: forty-five and single, an income tax clerk and a woman who has never been allowed to live her own life always the daughter, the sister, the aunt, the provider. Until the day she gets herself a one-way ticket to the seaside town of Kanyakumari, gloriously alone for the first time in her life and determined to break free of all that her conservative Tamil brahmin life has bound her to. In the intimate atmosphere of the ladies coupe which she shares with five other women, Akhila gets to know her fellow travellers: Janaki, pampered wife and confused mother; Margaret Shanti, a chemistry teacher married to the poetry of elements and an insensitive tyrant too self-absorbed to recognize her needs; Prabha Devi, the perfect daughter and wife, transformed for life by a glimpse of a swimming pool; fourteen-year-old Sheela, with her ability to perceive what others cannot; and Marikolanthu, whose innocence was destroyed by one night of lust. As she listens to the women's stories, Akhila is drawn into the most private moments of their lives, seeking in them a solution to the question that has been with her all her life: Can a woman stay single and be happy, or does a woman need a man to feel complete? 'Articulate, comic, wise, delicate, melancholy, exquisite...a carefully-pulsed breath of a book with an impact that sneaks into one's dreams' Independent In turn revelatory and redeeming. Filled with the incantatory power to burn up the tracks, to seek a new destination. Her style stands out. The Pioneer, New Delhi Anita Nair is a fine writer, with a great sense of character and is a compelling teller of stories. The Hindu, New Delhi Each of the women is finely drawn. The Hindustan Times, New Delhi 'The novel is about making choices and living life on one's own terms. It is this strength and resilience of the everyday woman that Nair brings out as a writer. Nair's women are fleshed out to the last detail. You can visualize them clearly -their faces, their bones, their desires as they talk animatedly in the train discussing their lives.' The Telegraph, Calcutta.
Idris : Keeper of the Light
The year is 1659. Idris, a Somalian trader, is in Kerala to attend the Mamagam festivities. By a strange twist of fate, he meets his nine-year-old son whose existence he had been unaware of. In an attempt to keep his son close to him, he embarks with him on a voyage that ends in the diamond mines of Golconda. Packed with passion, adventure and fascinating aspects of life in the seventeenth century in southern India, Idris is a page-turner that will intrigue and excite readers everywhere.
Cut Like Wound
Introducing Inspector Borei Gowda... It is the first night of Ramadan. At Shivaji Nagar in the heart of Bangalore, a young male prostitute is killed and burnt alive. It would have stayed as yet another unsolved murder, but for Inspector Borei Gowda, the investigating officer. As bodies begin to pile up one after the other, and it becomes clear that a serial killer is on the prowl, Gowda recognizes a pattern in the killings which no one else does. Even as he negotiates serious mid-life blues, problems with his wife and son, an affair with an ex-girlfriend, and official apathy and ridicule, the killer moves in for the next victim... Steeped in the lanes and atmosphere of the city of Bangalore, Cut Like Wound introduces to the reader a host of unforgettable characters and is a brutal psychological thriller unlike any in Indian fiction.
Ladies Coupe
ही आहे कथा स्वत:चंच आयुष्य विंचरून पाहणार्या एका स्त्रीची, अखिलनंदेश्वरी ऊर्फ अखिला. वय वर्ष पंचेचाळीस, अविवाहित, सरकारी खात्यात कारकून, जगता जगता इतकी ओझी येत गेली खांद्यावर की, तिचं स्वत:साठी जगणं... स्वत:च्या मर्जीनं जगणं राहूनच गेलं. मुलगी म्हणून, बहीण म्हणून, आत्या आणि मावशी म्हणून ती उष्ट्या संसारांच्या खरकट्यात फक्त पिचत राहिली. हे रहाटगाडगं खरं तर असंच चालू राहायचं; पण एके दिवशी कशी कोण जाणे, स्वत:चीच हाक ऐकून अखिला निघाली... कन्याकुमारीच्या प्रवासाला - एकटीच. आयुष्यात पहिल्यांदाच मोकळा श्वास घ्यायला... तमिळ ब्राह्मण कुटुंबाने तिच्या अविवाहितपणाभोवती घातलेली कर्मठ रिंगणं तोडून स्वत:च्या मनासारखं जगायला... स्वत:साठी जगायला... आयुष्याची वेगळी चव चाखायला. रेल्वेच्या प्रवासात तिला भेटतं एक वेगळंच जग. लेडीज कूपेच्या धावत्या आडोशात भेटतात आणखी पाच जणी. बघता बघता परकेपणाची बंधनं गळून पडतात. सहा जणींच्या आयुष्याच्या सहा दिशा पकडून गाडी भरधाव सुटते. जखमा मोकळ्या होतात. गुपितांच्या गाठी सुटतात. सहा वेगळी आयुष्यं सहा जणींत वाटली जातात. जानकी... मार्गारेट शांती... प्रभादेवी... शीला... मारीकोलान्थू. लेडीज कूपेमधून प्रवास करताना तिला भेटलेल्या या पाचही जणींना अखिला विचारतेच, "पुरुषांच्या आधाराशिवाय बाई एकटी राहू शकते ? सुखाने, आनंदाने जगू शकते ? की बाईला पुरुष हवाच असतो शेवटी ?"
The Better Man
The Better Man is an astonishing book. It is tender, lyrical, humorous and insightful. In Anita Nair's capable hands the exotic setting comes alive and becomes familiar and we see our struggles and triumphs reflected in the lives of these marvelous characters. Set in the sleepy little village of Kaikurissi in northern Kerala, The Better Man is a fascinating exploration of the undercurrents that run beneath a seemingly idyllic rural existence. Mukundan, a retired government employee, has been forced by circumstances to return to his village which he has fled when he was eighteen. Back in his ancestral house, he is tormented by the memory of his mother, whom his father Achuthan Nair had left for another woman. Obsessed, too, with the idea that he had failed to live up to his father's expectations, Mukundan lives life in a limbo of discontent. Enter One-screw-loose Bhasi, Kaikurissi’s eccentric genius, housepainter by profession and healer by vocation. Intrigued by Mukundan’s unhappiness, Bhasi makes it his mission to get to know him, and a brittle but all-consuming relationship develops between the two men. Mukundan’s betrayal of Bhasi’s trust and his eventual redemption forms the core of the novel. There are also brilliant cameos of Achuthan Nair, of Anjana—the schoolteacher Mukundan falls in love with—and of Power House Ramakrishnan, the devious businessman who schemes to deprive Bhasi of his land. Rich in social detail and written with remarkable ease and restraint, this is a first novel of rare sophistication.
Ladies Kupe
ही आहे कथा स्वत:चंच आयुष्य विंचरून पाहणार्या एका स्त्रीची, अखिलनंदेश्वरी ऊर्फ अखिला. वय वर्ष पंचेचाळीस, अविवाहित, सरकारी खात्यात कारकून, जगता जगता इतकी ओझी येत गेली खांद्यावर की, तिचं स्वत:साठी जगणं... स्वत:च्या मर्जीनं जगणं राहूनच गेलं. मुलगी म्हणून, बहीण म्हणून, आत्या आणि मावशी म्हणून ती उष्ट्या संसारांच्या खरकट्यात फक्त पिचत राहिली. हे रहाटगाडगं खरं तर असंच चालू राहायचं; पण एके दिवशी कशी कोण जाणे, स्वत:चीच हाक ऐकून अखिला निघाली... कन्याकुमारीच्या प्रवासाला - एकटीच. आयुष्यात पहिल्यांदाच मोकळा श्वास घ्यायला... तमिळ ब्राह्मण कुटुंबाने तिच्या अविवाहितपणाभोवती घातलेली कर्मठ रिंगणं तोडून स्वत:च्या मनासारखं जगायला... स्वत:साठी जगायला... आयुष्याची वेगळी चव चाखायला. रेल्वेच्या प्रवासात तिला भेटतं एक वेगळंच जग. लेडीज कूपेच्या धावत्या आडोशात भेटतात आणखी पाच जणी. बघता बघता परकेपणाची बंधनं गळून पडतात. सहा जणींच्या आयुष्याच्या सहा दिशा पकडून गाडी भरधाव सुटते. जखमा मोकळ्या होतात. गुपितांच्या गाठी सुटतात. सहा वेगळी आयुष्यं सहा जणींत वाटली जातात. जानकी... मार्गारेट शांती... प्रभादेवी... शीला... मारीकोलान्थू. लेडीज कूपेमधून प्रवास करताना तिला भेटलेल्या या पाचही जणींना अखिला विचारतेच, "पुरुषांच्या आधाराशिवाय बाई एकटी राहू शकते ? सुखाने, आनंदाने जगू शकते ? की बाईला पुरुष हवाच असतो शेवटी ?"