Senator Ashley Butler is a quintessential demagogue whosesupport of traditional American values includes a knee-jerk reaction againstvirtually all biotechnologies. When he is called on the chair a sub-committeeintroducing legislation to ban new cloning technology, the senator views it as akeystone to his political future. As a consequence, Dr. Daniel Lowell - inventorof a technique that will take stem-cell research up to the next level - sees abarrier being raised before his biotech start-up. These seemingly oppositepersonalities may clash during the Senate hearing, yet the two men share acommon failing. Butler's hunger for political power far outstrips his genuineconcern for the unborn; while Lowell's pursuit of massive personal wealth andcelebrity overrides any real consideration for his patient's well-being. Furthercomplicating their confrontation is the confidential news that Senator Butlerhas developed Parkinson's disease - which leads the senator and the researcherinto a Faustian pact. Taken straightout of tomorrow's headlines, Seizure is cautionary tale for this agewhen new biotechnological discoveries are pulling us ever further into apromising yet frightening new world.
Twenty-five novels after his first bestseller, Coma, comes the latest from the acknowledged master of the medical thriller
Death Benefit
Behind the prim gates of the Greenwich, CT McMansions, Wall Street whizzes turn their attentions from mortgages to another possible profit source: the twenty-five trillion-dollar life insurance industry. By securitizing the policies of the old and sick they hope to make another financial killing. At the same time, Natalie Savondnik and Ronald Goodall two exceptional yet aloof medical residents are working closely with their medical centre s premier scientist on cutting-edge diabetes research. When their mentor dies suddenly, they launch a quiet investigation. As they dig deeper, it becomes clear their mentor s death was not natural. Is it possible someone is manipulating private life insurance information to allow investors to benefit from the deaths of others?
Twenty-eight-year-old Sean McGillin seems the picture of youthful good health, until he fractures a leg while skating in New York City’s Park. Nothing life-threatening, yet within twenty-four hours of his surgical treatment he is dead. Next, a thirty-six-year-old mother, Darlene Morgan, receives minor knee surgery to repair a torn ligament – and within twenty-four hours she too has died. New York City medical examiners Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr.Jack Stapleton appear again in Robin Cook’s electrifying twenty-fifty novel, as they confront a series of patients after undergoing successful treatment. Despite resistance from her superiors, Laurie doggedly pursues the investigation. Though it seems impossible to determine why and how these patients are dying, she comes to determine why and how these patients are dying, she comes to realize that not only are the fatalities somehow related – they’re cold bloodedly intentional. Can it be that Laurie has stumbled upon the trail of a remarkably clever serial killer – one with a very unusual motive and with disturbing ties to both medical research and the cut and thrust of modern health care? As Laurie’s personal life continues to unravel disastrously the need for answers becomes ever more urgent.
It's been more than thirty years since New York City medical examiner Jack Stapleton's college graduation and almost as long since he'd been in touch with former classmates Shawn Doherty and Kevin Murray. Once a highly regarded ophthalmologist, Jack's career took a dramatic turn after a tragic accident that destroyed his family. But that, too, is very much in the past: Jack has remarried-to longtime colleague and fellow medical examiner Laurie Montgomery-and is the father of a young child. But his renegade, activist personality can't rest, and after performing a postmortem on a young college student who had recently been treated by a chiropractor, Jack decides to explore alternative medicine. What makes some people step outside the medical establishment to seek care from practitioners of Eastern philosophies and even faith healers? Jack's classmate Shawn Doherty is now a renowned archeologist and biblical scholar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, whose taste for good wine and generally deteriorating health are taking a toll on his career. He has recently obtained permission for a final dig beneath Saint Peter's, and despite his long-standing grudge against the Catholic Church, begins his research-which eventually takes him to Jerusalem and Venice -only to make a startling discovery with ecclesiastical and medical implications. And when James O'Rourke, now Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, gets wind of Shawn's findings, he's desperate to keep them from the public. James has strong political ambitions within the Church, but his association with Shawn threatens to undermine them. James turns to his old friend Jack to help protect an explosive secret-one with the power to change lives forever.
Acceptable risk
From the roots of an ancient witchcraft ... a new terror to destroy. With billions of dollars at stake, every scientist in America is fighting to discover the next Prozac, the latest 'feel good' drug. Edward Armstrong believes he has hit the jackpot. He has isolated a stunningly effective anti-depressant from a bacterial mould first uncovered over two hundred years ago. But there is more to the drug than anyone could have imagined. When Edward turns violent and the corpses of mutilated animals appear near the laboratory, his girlfriend decides to investigate the truth about this new 'miracle' drug. Before it claims any more innocent lives... From the doctor whose bestselling thrillers have created fear and excitement for over a decade comes a harrowing tale of ambition, abandoned ethics and uncontrollable greed.
Recently divorced surgeon Dr Kim Reggis is determined toremain a good father to this only child, Becky. One night he takes her to afast-food restaurant for a feast of burgers and fries, but tragedy strikes whenthe young girl falls ill. She dies horrifically several days later, as a resultof poisoning by E.coli bacteria. Everything suggests her death was the result ofshoddy food-handling practices, but who is going to admit to that? Frantic withgrief, Kim throws all his energies into tracing the cause of contamination. Heis well prepared for bureaucratic indifference, but is soon met with terrifyingviolence as powerful vested interests conspire to discourage his enquiries. Aidedby his ex-wife, Kim pursues a deadly trail of complicity and guilt stretchingfrom the slaughterhouse floor to the corporate boardroom. And, in a race againsttime before others are poisoned, they finally come face to face with theshocking and elusive truth... meanwhile putting their own lives in extremedanger. In Toxin, the acknowledged master of the medical thriller againdelivers a cutting-edge drama that combine today's worst fears with tomorrow'smedical technology.
Foreign Body
Jennifer Hernandez is a medical student at UCLA. While listening to a news report on medical tourism, where first-world citizens travel to third-world countries for surgery, she hears her beloved grandmother's name mentioned. The reporter says Maria Suarez-Hernandez had died, a day after undergoing a hip replacement in New Delhi.Synopsis: Jennifer Hernandez is a fourth-year medical student at UCLA whose world is shattered during an otherwise ordinary day. While half-listening to a news report on medical tourism, where first-world citizens travel to third-world countries for surgery, she hears her beloved grandmother's name mentioned, and her own heart nearly stops: the reporter says Maria Suarez-Hernandez had died, a day after undergoing a hip replacement in New Delhi's Queen Victoria Hospital. Maria raised Jennifer and her brothers from infancy, and their bond was unshakable. Still, the news that Maria had travelled to India is a shock to Jennifer, until she realizes it was the only viable option for the hardworking yet uninsured woman.Devastated, Jennifer takes emergency leave from school and heads to India, where relations with local officials go from sympathetic to sour as she presses for information. With the discovery of other unexplained deaths followed by hasty cremations, Jennifer reaches out to her mentor, New York City medical examiner Dr Laurie Montgomery. Laurie, along with her husband, Dr Jack Stapleton, rushes to the younger woman's side.And as the death count grows, so do the questions, leading Laurie and Jennifer to unveil a sinister, multilayered conspiracy of global proportions.
बोस्टनमधील सर्वात मोठ्या हॉस्पिटलमध्ये दोन रुग्णांच्या मामुली शस्त्रक्रियांपासून या सर्व प्रकरणाला सुरुवात झाली. आठ क्रमांकाच्या खोलीत एकदा गेलेले रुग्ण पुन्हा शुद्धीवर येतच नव्हते. या कोमा केसेसच्या छडा लावण्यासाठी मेडिकलच्या एका विद्यार्थिनीने त्यासाठी जिवाची कशी बाजी लावली आणि तसे करून तिच्या हाती काय जीवघेणे लागले त्याचीच ही वाचता वाचता अंगावर शहारे आणणारी कादंबरी. तसे हे काल्पनिक आहे आणि वाचणार्यालाही कदाचित असे घडते का असे वाटू शकेल पण गेल्या काही वर्षात परदेशातच नव्हे तर आपल्याही देशात हे काहीच नाही अशा घटना प्रत्यक्षात घडल्या आहेत त्यामुळे लेखकाने खूप आधीच ह्याचा छडा लावण्याचा प्रयत्न केल्याची कमाल वाटते. मराठीतही हा अनुवाद येऊन पंचवीस वर्षे होऊन गेली आहेत. आत्ताआत्ता प्रसिद्ध झाली आहे ती त्याची पाचवी आवृत्ती.
कन्टेजन' ही डॉ. रॉबिन कुक यांची वौद्यकीय पाश्र्वभूमीवरील एक यशस्वी रहस्यमय कादंबरी. विज्ञानाच्या क्षेत्रातील प्रतिष्ठित 'इंटेलिजंट' गुन्हेगारांची टोळी, त्यांची असाधारण गुन्हेगारी व एका बुद्धिमान, निष्ठावंत व्यक्तीनं ती हाणून पाडण्यासाठी जिवाच्या करारानं घेतलेला त्याचा शोध, या पद्धतीनं गुंफलेलं हे कथानक अत्यंत उत्कंठावर्धक मांडणीमुळे वाचकांच्या मनाचा ठाव घेतं. न्यूयॉर्कच्या मॅनहटन जनरल हॉस्पिटलमध्ये कोणत्यातरी अज्ञात संसर्गजन्य रोगानं एकापाठोपाठ एक माणसं मरू लागतात. मुख्य वैद्यकीय तपासनीस ऑफिसातील गुन्हाअन्वेषण विभागातील निष्णात डॉक्टर जॅक स्टेपलटन शवविच्छेदन केल्यावर चक्रावून जातो.. ! हा घातक संसर्गजन्य रोग कोणता ? इन्फ्ल्युएंझा ?.. प्लेग ?.. टुलरेमिया ?.. रॉकी माउंटन स्पोटेड फिव्हर ?... 70-75 वर्षांपूर्वी नामशेष झालेल्या या रोगांचे विषाणू पुन्हा कसे आले ? या काळात आणि तेही न्यूयॉर्कमधल्या इतक्या अत्याधुनिक हॉस्पिटलमध्ये ? हे विषाणू नैसर्गिकपणे उद्भवले ? की कोणा माथेफिरूदहशतवाद्याचं हे कृत्य ? हॉस्पिटलमधले लोक तरी बचावात्मक का वागतात ? जॅक हात धुवून या प्रकरणाच्या मागे लागतो. सोबत असते त्याची सहाय्यक लॉरी माँटगोमेरी व प्रेयसी होऊ पाहणारी टेरेसा. नॅशनल बायॉलॉजिकल्स्, प्रेझर लॅब, अलास्कातील गोठलेले एस्किमो... शेवटी काय असतं याच्या मुळाशी ? अत्यंत नाट्यपूर्ण घडामोडींनी श्वास रोखायला लावणारी ही कादंबरी. या वैज्ञानिक शक्यता कोणत्याही देशात, कोणत्याही काळात प्रत्यक्षात येऊ शकतील, या जाणिवेनं मनाचा थरकाप होतो, हेच डॉ. रॉबिन कुक यांचं यश आहे.
नुकताच घटस्फोट घेतलेला डॉ. किम रेग्गीस आपल्या एकुलत्या एक मुलीला बेकीला घेऊन एका संध्याकाळी फास्ट-फूड रेस्टॉरंटमध्ये गेला. तिथे बर्गर आणि फ्रेंच फ्राईज खाताना ह्या शोकांतिकेची सुरवात झाली. 'इ. कोलाय' जीवाणूच्या विषामुळे-टॉक्सिनमुळे बेकीचा भीषण अंत झाला. अन्न नीट प्रकारे न हाताळल्यामुळे बेकीला संसर्ग झाला हे उघड दिसत असते. पण ते कोण मानणार ? लाडक्या लेकीच्या मृत्यूमुळे सैरभैर झालेला किम संसर्गाचे कारण शोधण्यासाठी जीवाचे रान करतो. त्याची माजी बायको त्याला या कामात मदत करू लागते. या कामामध्ये त्यांना काय अनुभव येतो ? आपले हितसंबंध जपण्यासाठी कुठल्याही थराला जाणारे, बीफ उद्योगातले प्रचंड ताकद असणारे बेबंद भांडवलदार आणि त्यांची नफा कमावण्यासाठी काहीही करायला मागेपुढे न पाहण्याची हिडीसवृत्ती.
Seizure( सीजर)
पेशींचे क्लोनिंग करून मानवजातीला ग्रासणार्या पार्किन्सन्ससारख्या आनुवंशिक विकारांवर उपचार करण्याचे तंत्र विकसित करणारा विलक्षण बुद्धिमत्तेचा शास्त्रज्ञ डॅनियल लॉवेल आणि लोकांच्या भावनांशी खेळून स्वत:चा राजकीय मतलब साधणारा एक महत्त्वाकांक्षी सिनेटर, एकमेकांच्या समोर उभे ठाकतात. पेचातून सुटका व्हावी म्हणून डॅनियल सिनेटर बटलरचा अनौतिक प्रस्ताव मान्य करून कोणी कधी न केलेले जनुक उपचार करायला तयार होतो. उपचारासाठी लागणारे जनुक थेट ख्रिस्ताच्या रक्तापासून मिळवण्याची विलक्षण अट बटलर घालतो आणि त्यातून सुरूहोते ती पेच-डावपेचांची जीवघेणी मालिका...
In Boston's largest hospital, two patients undergoing routine surgery fall victim to a baffling mishap. They never regain consciousness. Fighting against the scorn of her colleagues and the medical establishment, one brave woman starts to investigate the coma cases: steadily uncovering something unbelievably hideous. Slight wear to cover, light yellowing, otherwise very good, tight condition