A.R. Rahman-The Spirit of Music
A.R. Rahman, the spirit of music is in the form of biographical conversations between the composer and Nasreen Munni Kabir in which we hear of Rahman's amazing journey from a modest beginning to an assured place in world music history.
Zakir Hussain A Life in Music
Tabla virtuoso, composer and percussionist Zakir Hussain is an international music phenomenon. The eldest son of the legendary Ustad Allarakha, Zakir gave his first public concert at the age of seven and was immediately hailed a child prodigy. In later years, his masterful dexterity and creative genius led to his becoming one of the most sought-after accompanists to the very best of Hindustani classical musicians and dancers. Zakir Hussain is equally recognized as one of the foremost contemporary jazz and world music percussionists; he has performed at innumerable concerts both as a solo artist and with renowned jazz musicians on the grand stages of the world, from the Royal Albert Hall to Madison Square Garden. With John McLaughlin, L. Shankar and T.H. Vinayakram, Zakir Hussain created music history with the band Shakti. He has acted in James Ivory's Heat and Dust and Sai Paranjpye's Saaz, and scored music for directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci (Little Buddha), Aparna Sen (Mr. & Mrs. Iyer) and Ismail Merchant (In Custody, The Mystic Masseur); he has also played the tabla for countless 1960s Hindi film soundtracks. In an in-depth conversation with Zakir Hussain, Nasreen Munni Kabir takes the readers through the story of his life: how he was deemed an 'unlucky' child; the early years of growing up in Mahim; his training from age four with his extraordinary father; and his experiences and memories working with a host of legendary musicians, including Pandit Ravi Shankar, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan and Ustad Vilayat Khan. A born storyteller, Zakir speaks with humour and humility of his understanding of music, his relationship with his students, his dedication and love for the tabla, and the way he negotiates life as an acclaimed celebrity living in both America and India. Zakir Hussain: A Life in Music is a brilliant introduction to the life and times of a huge music star, a revered role model and a visionary world musician.
Gappa Cinemachya (गप्पा सिनेमाच्या)
जावेद अख्तर यांची नसरीन मुन्नी कबीर यांनी घेतलेली दीर्घ मुलाखत म्हणजे हे पुस्तक. एका प्रतिभासंपन्न कवी आणि लेखकाबरोबर साधलेला हा संवाद आपल्यासमोर जावेदसाब यांचं आयुष्य उलगडून दाखवतो. त्यांचं कौटुंबिक जीवन, त्यांच्या लिखाणावर सुरुवातीच्या काळात पडलेला प्रभाव, सलीम खान यांच्याबरोबरचा प्रवास अशा अनेक गोष्टींवर यातून प्रकाश पडला आहे. हिंदी चित्रपटसृष्टीमध्ये १९६५ च्या दरम्यान क्लॅपरबॉय म्हणून सुरू केलेली कारकीर्द या मुलाखतीमधून समोर येते. हिंदी चित्रपटाची परंपरा, गीतलेखन आणि पटकथालेखन या वेगवेगळ्या घटकांवर तर जावेदसाब बोलले आहेतच, पण स्वत:चे राजकीय विचारही त्यांनी स्पष्टपणे मांडले आहेत. म्हणूनच चित्रपट कलेविषयी आस्था आणि रुची असणार्यान सगळ्यांसाठी चंद्रकांत भोंजाळ यांनी अनुवाद केलेलं हे पुस्तक महत्त्वाचं ठरेल असा विश्वास वाटतो.
Conversations With Waheeda Rehman
Waheeda Rehman is the quintessential beauty of Hindi cinema. In this one-of-a-kind book, the author indulges in a heart-to-heart conversation with one of the most talented actors the Hindi film fraternity has ever seen. Summary of the Book Conversation with Waheeda Rehman, one of the rare beauties with exceptional talent, is the subject of the latest conversation book from Nasreen Munni Kabir. This book is a result of the interviews with Waheeda Rehman conducted in 2012-13, includes insights into the actor’s childhood, her experiences working with Guru Dutt, Satyajit Ray, Vijay Anand, and Raj Kapoor. Waheeda also talks about her marriage to actor Kamaljeet Rekhy and the amazing bond she shared with Nargis and Nanda. Conversations with Waheeda Rehman provides a deep insight into the life of a much-adored and award-winning actress of Indian cinema. The book is complete with compelling anecdotes and will make for a good read for all Hindi cinema enthusiasts. About Nasreen Munni Kabir Nasreen Munni Kabir is a prolific television producer, director and author. Based in London, she has made several television programs on Hindi cinema including Movie Mahal and The Inner/Outer World of Shah Rukh Khan. She has authored several books, including Guru Dutt: A Life in Cinema and Talking Films and Talking Songs with Javed Akhtar among others.