It's Okay To Fail, My Son
The It's Okay to Fail My Son, is fictional novel written by Vasant Kallola. The book revolves around the relationship between a father and a son. The book provides an insight on the stress that youngsters are facing nowadays. On a daily basis, the present generation faces immense pressure from their parents, the system and their teachers at school, too. The story of this book is well thought of and is very sensitive to the feelings of all the parties involved in it. It is not often that one hears a father say to his son that it is alright to fail in our society. In this book, the reader will see that when a parent admits to the fact that his child has failed, he gets a negative reaction from fellow parents, who even accuse him of being irresponsible. But the father in this story sticks to his guns and is determined to train his son to face any challenge in life. He wants him to think out of the box and become a bigger and better human being. The book encompasses the journey of a father and son and how the former wants to transform his son into a genius. The story touches a chord with many parents, as it manages to reflect the emotions of a father very precisely. In this journey which the reader takes with the father, he will be witness to how pressure gets altered to passion and fear gets transformed into success. This book is highly recommended for parents across the globe as it may inspire them to believe in their children, come what may. The author describes the journey of this father in beautiful words. Most parents will be able to relate to it, as in their daily lives they too, face criticism and doubts from all quarters.
Creating Your Own Destiny How To Get Exactly What
Put your own fate exactly where it belongs-in your hands It is one of the great questions of life. Its a simple question, really, but it seems impossible for many to answer: Do we control our own destinies? 90 percent of people think and act as if their destiny is foreordained, while only about 10 percent believe in the capacity to change and act on it. Creating Your Own Destiny explains and demonstrates to the majority how to dream, plan, and execute a better future-despite the challenges of the economy and life circumstances. Based on time-honored principles, theories, and case studies Provides a Success Road Map for all those people who are seeking to achieve success but who aren't satisfied with their careers. Written in an easy and accessible tone by Patrick Snow, who has been dubbed "the Dean of Destiny" With the powerful and practical tools featured in this essential guide, you'll find yourself newly empowered and energized to achieve extraordinary results.
You Too Can
A Velumani slept on a railway platform on his first day in Mumbai. Dhruv Shringi got fired from his job in London. And Irfan Razack was a salesman in a readymade garment store in Bengaluru. All of them went on to set up their own businesses. How did they do it? Bestselling author Prakash Iyer takes you up close and personal with twenty Indian entrepreneurs as they share what inspired them, what keeps them going and what we can all learn from them. What does Abhishek Lodha do that makes his employees want to go the extra mile? What is serial entrepreneur Meena Ganesh's secret to finding work-life balance? And what lesson did Gaurav Marya learn from a test match that ended early? You Too Can is filled with stories that celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit. Stories of success, and struggle and survival too. Stories of people starting up, making progress, enjoying the ride and hoping they will make it to the finish line. If there is one, that is. Hopefully, you will find a story that rings a bell, connects, and inspires you. There are business lessons. And several life-lessons too. Success leaves tracks. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, a housewife or a student, here’s your chance to learn from men and women who unleashed the entrepreneur within them. They did it. And now, You Too Can.
Trump Never Give Up How I Turned My Biggest Challe
Trump Never Give Up tells the stories of Trump's biggest challenges, lowest moments and worst mistakes and how he overcame them and turned them into successes. Each chapter includes a dramatic, inspiring story from Trump's career, wisdom, pep talks, inspiration and advice that everyone can relate to, with additional coaching tips from adversity research expert Paul Stoltz Table of Contents: Acknowledgments Foreword by. Michael Sexton, Trump University Introduction. What Goes Through My Mind When I Hear the Word No The Lowest Moment in My Life and How I Fought Back: A Billion Dollars in the Hole Failure is Not Permanent: Wholeness and the Art of the Comeback The Apprentice Was Supposed to Be a Big Mistake: Get the Best Advice You Can, Then Trust Your Gut Is This a Blip or a Catastrophe? Be Prepared for Things That Happen Outside Your Game Plan I Love a Good Fight: The Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium Watch Out For Brain Cramps: Keep The Big Picture In Mind Expect Problems and You'll Be Ready When They Come: Getting Trump Tower off the Ground When the Other Side Expects a Duel, Offer a Partnership: Trump International Golf Links Scotland How I Persuade People: Turning No's into Yes's Sometimes You Have to Swallow Your Pride: Trump International Hotel and Tower, New York Courage Isn't The Absence of Fear, It's The Conquering of Fear Be Passionate: It's the Only Way to Move Mountains If You See Big Problems, Look for Big Opportunities: Transforming a Dilapidated Neighborhood into a World-Class Hot Spot Cultivate a Sense of Discovery: A Letter From My Kindergarten Teacher Know When to Cut Your Losses (or Why I Refuse to Believe Richard Branson is Wealthy if He Owns an Airline): Trump Shuttle If You Think You Can Complete a 6-Year Project in 6 Months - You Probably Can: Wollman Rink, Central Park, NYC Don't Watch Life From The Sidelines Don't Let Fear Stop You - Even in Front of Millions of People: Doubts Will Continue to Surface, Even after You've Made up Your Mind to Go Forward Sometimes You Have to Start Over: Dubai I Told My Friend He Was A Big Time Loser: The Power of Focus Defending the Flag When Your Wardrobe Malfunctions in Front of 10,000 People - Make It Part of Your Act: Two Public Speaking Screw-ups A Lesson From The Apprentice: Never Quit Don't Get Complacent - Thinking You're Foolproof is a Good Way to Set Yourself up for a Big Mistake: How New Trump Projects Happen Only in New York - This City Will Serve up Problems and Solutions You Won't Find Anywhere Else Enemies Can Turn into Friends: The Hilton Hotel in Atlantic City How to De-Stress You Will Be Attacked for Trying to Change Anything: Mar-a-Lago Set the Record Straight Do Give Up On Complainers Be Patient: You May Have to Wait 30 Years for a Deal to Pay Off Get Motivated by Hearing No: Turn a Negative into a Positive The Turnaround Always Starts with Creative, Positive Thinking: 1200 Foreclosed Apartments in Cincinnati Get the Most From Every Day How Would I Look with a Shaved Head? WrestleMania When You're Attacked, Bite Back: A Book and 5 Billion dollars Lawsuit Prime Real Estate Falls into the Pacific - Now What? Trump National Golf Course in Palos Verdes, CA Where Others Fail - There's Your Opportunity: A Wall Street Story Appendix A - Trump's Top Ten List for Success Appendix B - Trump's Rules for Negotiating
It's Your Life
"It's Your Life" by Vinita Dawra Nangia is a collection of some of the most popular write ups on relationships and contemporary living from the very popular column "O-zone" in "Times Life"; the "Sunday" supplement of "The Times of India". The articles focus on human behavior and relationship issues with simplicity and inspirational wisdom. The inspiration for these come every day experiences, the anecdotes, conversations and discussions we hear around us. These articles will inspire you to take charge of your life and live it as you wish.
Globetrotting for Love
A cleaning lady frustrated with the lack of manners of the occupants of the building sets out to teach them a lesson or two. Philandering ways and addiction to alcohol force a marriage to flounder and the wife to seek divorce. In Sakhalin, the land of opportunities, a girl from the Russian hinterland flits from one man to another before settling down. A group of friends becomes victim to street hooliganism in the capital city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, while a young British girl succumbs to the vile machinations of a local Russian, jealous of her success, leading to her deportation. Tragic fate awaits a Russian girl who leaves her boyfriend for a seaman. Globetrotting for Love and Other Stories from Sakhalin Island is a brutal, yet honest compilation of stories told in a style that not only pounds on the reader's sensibilities and emotions but claws at the soul. The place is as much a character as the people who inhabit this collection. These are tales of love, lust, greed, hope, ambition and confusion resulting from the oil boom and its aftermath on the island and subsequent coming together of many worlds..
Shake That Brain
Shake That Brain! is a collection of creative and inspiring tips and tools for finding solutions in a variety of areas -- from sales, marketing and product creation ... to ethics, innovation and the bottom line. And these are skills you can use at home, on the job, or wherever are you. The book is filled with exercises, easy-to-apply formulas, entertaining pop-quizzes, powerful graphics (like innovative credit card designs and Do Not Disturb signs) and eye-opening teaching examples from the world of business, technology, advertising and more -- all designed to make the reading experience both profitable and fun!
Real Leaders Don't Boss
Real and effective leaders todayfrom the executive suite to the assembly linequietly and consistently follow what Dr. Eich has identi?ed as the Eight Essentials of Effective Leadership. True leaders know how to make ethical judgments in the face of real-world challenges, and recognize what it takes to win loyalty and respect, motivate through passion, develop positive relationships and enhance open communication. Real Leaders Dont Boss is an easy-to-understand, practical guide to leadership in the workplace and in life that can help anyone grasp what it takes to inspire, motivate and lead. With the help of real-life stories and advice from top leaders, Ritch Eich teaches how, with the right direction and guidance, real leaders quietly stand back and, no matter the economic conditions, observe as others achieve success, which creates their own successes. About the Author :- One of the leadership fields preeminent experts, Dr. Ritch K. Eich has spent the last four decades studying the philosophies and fundamentals of true leaders. Hes worked with many world leaders, from Howard Holmes (Jiffy Mix) to Tom Monaghan (Dominos Pizza founder) to Charles Walgreen, Jr. (Walgreen Drug Stores). He is founder and president of Eich Associated, a strategic branding, marketing, communication and management coaching firm; an adjunct professor at California Lutheran University; a frequent speaker and blogger on leadership and marketing; and a columnist for various business and professional publications.
The Titleless Leader
Knowing how to build influence and lead others without title or authority, no matter what your role, is a workplace necessity. No one needs to appoint you, promote you or nominate you. You decide. Its not rank that will get you results; its the actions. In The Titleless Leader, you will discover uncommon behaviors that will enable you to: Operate with trust in an era of distrust and growing cynicism Activate your titleless leadership practice by using what-does-it-look-like? approaches and how-does-it-happen? tips, exercises and insights Engage yourself and others using the cornerstones of self-alignment, soul-courage, possibility seeds and winning philosophies About the Author:- Nan S. Russell has shared her workplace insights and practical wisdom with a wide variety of people, from coal miners and Navy engineers to college students and senior leaders at nonprofits and Fortune 100 corporations, igniting passions, crystallizing thinking and changing results. Shes a national speaker, consultant, and radio host, the award-winning author of Hitting Your Stride, a blogger for PsychologyToday.com and the job-loss recovery expert for Job-Hunt.org. Her column, Winning at Working, can be found in more than 90 publications. Russell has a BA from Stanford University and an MA from the University of Michigan.
The Three Laws of Performance : Rewriting the Futu
Whenever something goes wrong and there is a need for a change to be implemented, organizations are faced with the dilemma where they do not know which part of the system is to be tackled first. Once they have chosen what to concentrate on, and they implement a process to fix it, other issues crop up. And, this seems to be a direct result of the process devised to fix the previous problem. The authors say that this is because making adjustments to the system that gave rise to the problem does not work. For that given system, its future has already been written in the minds of the people involved. The people involved here range from the top executives down to the workers at the lowest levels of the organization. If the people have become disillusioned with the system, no amount of fixing it will bring about a change. Also, the dissatisfaction these people feel is spilled out into the society through the attitude they carry home to their families and children. The authors say that to improve the situation, first, there must be a redefining of the perceived future as seen by all the employees of an organization. If the employees lack faith in the leaders, and the executives keep attributing the failures to the apathy of the people working for them, no amount of adjustment and fixing will work. This book, The Three Laws Of Performance: Rewriting The Future Of Your Organization And Your Life, shows how to redefine the organization’s future to the people, and how to get everyone to live into this new future. The authors list three basic laws to bring about this transformation. These laws, if applied, could transform performance to an entirely new level. The first section covers the three laws and illustrates them with case studies. These chapters will take the reader on a journey to South Africa, Japan, and the United States. The journey covers companies in fields as diverse as construction, mining, aerospace, and energy. The next section, chapters four and five, looks at organizational leadership from the perspective of the three laws. The third section shows how the reader can use the three laws to enhance their own leadership skills, how to master the three laws, and how to apply them in practical situations. The authors have not written the book as an academic exercise, they intend it to serve as a practical guide. They have drawn from their own personal experiences to illustrate the effectiveness of these principles. The book does not show the reader how to fix problems. It shows them how to rewrite the future, and bring about significant change in performance levels.
Love, Sex and Respect: A Guide to Healthy Relation
Love Sex & Respect is an astonishingly bold and provocative book which explores sexuality in contemporary urban culture. Each chapter provokes readers to examine their relationships. Those who are entering into a relationship will want to know how to make it work and those who are experiencing cooling off, boredom, drifting apart and other troublesome issues will want quick solutions. The author brings you face-to-face with deceit and duplicity as well as beauty and respect which exist in relationships. CEDRIC M. KENNY offers valuable tips to deal effectively with sensitive issues couples face and don't know whom to turn to for advice. You will want to recommend Love Sex & Respect to people you care...
Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Interne
The Internet has led to revolutions across the world but a crackdown is now in full swing. As whole societies move online, mass surveillance programs are being deployed globally. Our civilization has reached a crossroads. In one direction lies a future promoting "privacy for the weak and transparency for the powerful"; in the other is an internet that transfers power over entire populations to an unaccountable complex of spy agencies and their transnational corporate allies. Cypherpunks are activists who advocate the mass use of strong cryptography as a way protecting our basic freedoms against this onslaught. Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of and visionary behind WikiLeaks, has been a leading voice in the cypherpunk movement since the 1990s. Now, in a timely and important new book, Assange brings together a group of rebel thinkers and activists from the front line of the battle for cyberspace to discuss whether the internet will emancipate or enslave all of us.
The Power of Self-Confidence
Praise for The Power of Self-Confidence "Brian Tracy is the master in understanding and teaching self-enrichment. In this priceless book, he unlocks the key to your door of success and fulfillment—belief in your own potential. Internalize his wisdom and you will surely realize your goals." —DENIS WAITLEY, author of Psychology of Success "Brian continues to impact the lives of everyone he touches. This book provides a logical road map that everyone can use to maximize their true potential." —JOSEPH SHERREN, CSP, HoF, author of iLead: Five Insights for Building Sustainable Organizations "When Brian Tracy writes a new book, I drop everything and start reading. We all need sharp lessons on developing more self-confidence and pursuing challenging goals. This book will make a significant difference in your life." —PAT WILLIAMS, Orlando Magic Senior Vice President and author of Leadership Excellence "The one quality that makes all the success principles work is unshakable confidence in yourself. Brian now shows you how to grow your confidence to the point where you become unstoppable." —JACK CANFIELD, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul® "Lacking confidence erodes your self-worth and paralyzes your productivity. In this book, Brian Tracy shares the secrets to developing and maintaining high levels of self-confidence—so that you can live the greatest life!" —KRISTIN ARNOLD, author of Boring to Bravo: Proven Presentation Techniques to Engage, Involve, and Inspire Your Audience to Action
Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win
If you think that companies can't grow in a low-growth economy, Market Your Way to Growth will change your mind. Most companies anchor their growth plans in one or two strategies often adopted before the world became so globalized and technologically-advanced. Companies now need to examine all eight strategies that might promise fresh growth. Is your company innovative? Is your brand as strong as it could be? Are your customers satisfied and loyal? Are you able to wrest share from competitors? Have you moved into China, Brazil, or some higher growth markets? Have you done acquisitions and built new alliances? Have you been winning new customers by showing your deeply felt values? Have you partnered with governments and NGOs on new projects? See what dozens of other companies are doing to achieve higher growth in a low-growth world economy or industry. A large number of CEO’s. senior executives, and scholars have endorsed this book. Open the book and see what they say. The United States, The European Union. and other developed countries now face years of continuing low economic growth. so low that job creation will fall far short of the growth of the workforce. With the developed world facing an excruciating slow-growth economy, successfully competing for a limited customer base means using creative marketing strategies. Market Your Way to Growth shows you how to survive these rough economic waters. The book details nine megatrends that will offer new opportunities throughout this decade, including a global redistribution of wealth, urbanization, an accelerating green global economy, rapidly changing social values, and more. Evaluate your business's readiness to navigate this shifting economic landscape using these eight growth strategies: Build Your Market Share: Outperform your competitors and grow your market share. Develop Enthusiastic Customers and Stakeholders: Attract fans and develop dedicated supply chain partners. Create a Powerful Brand: Design a powerful brand that serves as a living platform for your organization's strategy and actions. Innovate New Products, Services, and Experiences: Develop a culture of innovation and think freshly about new offerings and experiences. International Expansion: Identity international macro and micro markets of high growth and enter them successfully. Acquisitions, Mergers, and Alliances: Grow via attractive partnering opportunities through acquisitions, mergers, alliances, and joint ventures. Build an Outstanding Reputation for Social Responsibility: Improve your company's social character to win more respect and support from the public and stakeholders. Partner with Government and NG0s: Successfully bid to provide services and products that governments all over the world need. These are the most perilous times since the Great Depression, yet growth is still possible. Learn how to implement these proven strategies, and achieve growth rates that your competitors will envy.
It's Your Life: Reflections on Contemporary Living
Who am I? Am I a good human being? Did I choose my life or did life choose me? Am I really in love? Can I forgive a fling and give love another chance? Is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all? Can I love two people at the same time? Why feel guilty? ......These are a few issues this book addresses. With instances from real life and the author's own experiences and inspirational wisdom, 'It's Your Life' is a collection of some of the most popular write-ups from Vinita Dawra Nangia's weekly Sunday column, '0-zone' in Times Life, the Sunday supplement of The Times of India. At the core of the writings is the belief that though deeply connected, we are all self-sufficient beings, responsible for our own life and happiness. Take charge of your life and live it as you wish to!
My Favourite Jokes
Sit with your friends, or by yourself and treat yourself to a good laugh as you go through this collection of jokes, arranged under various sections for your convenience. Be it the Santa Banta jokes, the Blonde Jokes, or the Twisted jokes or the One-liners, the jokes will bring back the spring in your step, the twinkle in your eye and the sunshine in your heart. Check out your speaking skills as you wade through the Tongue Twisters and grow wise via the Murphy's Law. But, of course, while you are about it, do have a blast and share the jokes with friends who are not with , via SMS.