Band-Aid For A Broken Leg
Damien Brown, a young doctor, thinks he's ready when he arrives for his first posting with Medecins Sans Frontieres in Africa. But the town he's sent to is an isolated outpost of mud huts, surrounded by landmines; the hospital, for which he's to be the only doctor, is filled with malnourished children and conditions he's never seen; and the health workers—Angolan war veterans twice his age who speak no English—walk out on him following an altercation on his first shift. In the months that follow, Damien confronts these challenges all the while dealing with the social absurdities of living with only three other volunteers for company. The medical calamities pile up—including a leopard attack, a landmine explosion, and having to perform surgery using tools cleaned on the fire—but it's through Damien's evolving friendships with the local people that his passion for the work grows. This heartbreaking and honest account of life on the medical frontline in Angola, Mozambique, and South Sudan is a moving testimony of the work done by medical humanitarian groups and the extraordinary and sometimes eccentric people who work for them.
The Ten Commandments Of Parenting
The book Ten Commandments of Parenting is a fresh perspective on parenting, where there is no do's and don'ts only honest suggestions on how you as a parent can make a world of difference in your child's upbringing and holistic development. It is a quick reference book, which is both concise and complete.
101 Morals
We all as children have grown up reading English story books which never matched our culture, traditions, topography and beliefs. There is a serious need to give our children a book which talks about our ethics, culture, village life, love for nature and animals. This book reflects our age old beliefs and way of living. which is very precious and practical and not just a fairytale. Children can read these stories and relate to their surroundings. This book can be group read along with friends and family.
Bhārata has been a land of plenty in many ways. We have had a timeless tradition of the twofold principle of Brāhma (spirit of wisdom) and Kṣāttra (spirit of valour) nourishing and protecting this sacred land. The Hindu civilisation, rooted in Sanātana-dharma, has constantly been enriched by brāhma and safeguarded by kṣāttra. The renowned Sanskrit poet and scholar, Śatāvadhānī Dr. R Ganesh takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride through space and time, highlighting the dazzling acmes when kṣāttra shone brilliantly and also pointing out the despicable abysses when kṣāttra was all but forgotten. This book is a must-read for all Indians in general and all students of Indian history in particular, for it paints an authentic picture of the past unlike the post-Independence History textbooks, which have attempted to whitewash the crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic invaders and downplayed the achievements of the native rulers who adhered to Sanātana-dharma. The spirit of valour tempered by wisdom ensured the continuity of our civilisation spanning more than seven millennia. We can forget this only at our own peril. This book is a result of deep research spanning many years but it has been presented in an eminently readable form, accessible even to high school students. It has been adapted into English from Dr. Ganesh’s bestselling Kannada work Bhāratīya kṣāttra-paramparè (‘Indian Kṣāttra Tradition’) by Sandeep Balakrishna and Hari Ravikumar, who are authors in their own right with several books to their credit.
Composed in the early phase of Dr. S L Bhyrappa’s literary career, Dharmashree (1961) deals with the evils of religious conversion and the trauma it causes—at the levels of the individual, family, and society. The subtle and nefarious attempts of Christian missionaries and their relentless attempts at undermining Hinduism for the sake of proselytization are vividly brought out in this novel. Dharmashree depicts the episodes in the life of Satyanarayana, a staunch adherent of Sanātana-dharma, who ends up falling in love with a Christian girl, Lily. Initially a harsh critic of Hinduism, Lily is deeply influenced by Hindu ideals as she wades past discussions and arguments with Satya. Lily’s father would never marry her off to a non-Christian, so what does Satya do? The issues that Bhyrappa raises in this work—authored over sixty years ago—continues to be relevant because even today, thousands of Hindus are getting converted to other religions, creating a rift in their families and the society. The English translation of Dharmashree has been undertaken by Prof. L. V. Shanthakumari, a renowned scholar, literary critic, creative writer, and translator.
Narahari, a widower and the father of five, decides to give away his children for adoption. He craves for solitude and finds it impossible to participate in the mundane world. He is drawn towards saṃnyāsa and is allured by the heights scaled by realised souls like Bārāmāsi Mahārāj. He treks the Himalayan peaks, but… can he freeze his mind at a place where time and space are frozen? Can he swim against the river of life to reach its source? Does physical altitude translate to spiritual altitude as well? India’s foremost novelist, Padma Bhushan S. L. Bhyrappa explores the attractions and aversions that humans feel towards worldly life in Niraakarana – The Refusal. He lays bare the dilemmas that a person faces at various stages of his life and the repercussions his decisions can have on his immediate family. The novel creatively suggests the true nature of renunciation and the kind of forbearance it demands. The English rendition of this emotionally engrossing and spiritually uplifting saga retains the nuances of the Kannada original. It has been admirably translated by L. V. Shanthakumari and Arjun Bharadwaj, award-winning authors and translators in their own right with many books to their credit.
Where's Molly
Molly Devereaux has been missing for more than two weeks, and police are still searching for the girl who seemed to vanish out of thin air. The world still wants to know... Where's Molly?” In my dreams, I never escaped the Oregon woods. Life after death isn't easy to accept, especially when I still feel like a ghost. Now, I live deep in the mountains of Montana—the paradigm of beauty. But they are also the home of horrors. Horrors that I only unleash at night. When my pigs are allowed to feast
Nivdak AbhidhaNantar (निवडक अभिधानंतर)
अभिधा सुरू असताना ग्लोबलायझेशनची प्रक्रिया सुरू झाली होती. आमच्या काही कविता आणि याच दरम्यान स्वतःला आलेलं जगण्याचं नवं भान, ग्लोबलायझेशनमुळे बदललेला भोवताल आणि या सर्वांमुळे उमजलेले लिहिण्याचंही नवीन भान ह्या ‘अभिधा’मधून आम्ही दिलेल्या किंवा आम्ही मिळविलेल्या काही गोष्टी. १९९९ मध्ये अभिधानंतर सुरू केलं तेव्हा ग्लोबलायझेशनचा परिणाम असलेले साहित्य आम्ही प्रसिद्ध करू असे धोरण होते आणि २०१४ साली अभिधानंतर बंद करेपर्यंत आम्ही ते लावून धरले. ग्लोबलायझेशननंतर जीवनाप्रमाणे साहित्यही बदलत होतं. हा बदल पकडण्याचा, डॉक्युमेण्ट करण्याचा, नवीन साहित्य लोकांपर्यंत पोहोचविण्याचा उद्देश होता. हा अवकाश ग्लोबलायझेशन 'नंतर' चा आणि एका अर्थाने 'अभिधा' 'नंतरचा' अवकाश होता. या पुस्तकातून अभिधानानंतरमध्ये प्रकाशित झालेल्या निवडक कविता, लेख, मुलाखती आणि संपादकीय देत आहोत. या सर्व लिखाणांमधून ग्लोबलायझेशन आणि डिजिटालायझेशननंतर निरंतर बदलत असलेली भाषा, संस्कृती,आणि जगणं अधोरेखित होतं. मराठीत सध्या लिहिणाऱ्या, वाचणाऱ्या, विचार करणाऱ्या, भाषेची आणि संस्कृतीची चिंता करणाऱ्या आणि भाषेसाठी झगडणाऱ्या लोकांसाठी हे पुस्तक खूप महत्त्वाचा दस्तऐवज ठरू शकेल याची खात्री आहे.