At eleven years old, Gabriel Naumann is witness to a horrific crime. 29 years later his girlfriend is taken. Then the messages begin. Somebody knows about his past. Somebody knows what he did. And now his girlfriend will pay for it - unless he can find her in time. . . When you've spent decades running from your past, what do you do when it finally catches up? 'If you want to find her, then you'll have to find me'
Love Jean.
Love, Jean is the beautiful story of Philip Erwin, a lonely, misunderstood young man with sensory integration dysfunction and his " Aunt Jeanie," Dr. A. Jean Ayres, the scientist who pioneered the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Successfully treated long distance through correspondence with Dr. Ayres, Phillip also bravely learns survival strategies to cope with his disability. Alluded to, but not detailed, is Dr. Ayres' parallel courageous struggle, facing the onslaught of criticism, ridicule and scholarly exile that accompanied her brilliant new theories and practice. With illuminating commentary by Zoe Mailloux MA, OTR, Love, Jean lends powerful insight into Dr. Ayres' compassionate qualities and ground breaking work that led her to develop a theory and science that continues to change the lives of millions of children and adults worldwide. This book will touch the hearts of parents, children and therapists who live or work with individuals who have sensory processing disorders.
Women's Hormones
Hormonal imbalances can occur at any age—before, during, or after menopause—and for a variety of reasons. While most hormone-related problems are associated with menopause, fluctuating hormonal levels can also cause a variety of other conditions, and for some women, the effects can be truly debilitating. What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones is a clear guide to the treatment of hormonal irregularities without the health risks associated with standard hormone replacement therapy. This book is divided into three parts. Part I describes the body’s own hormones, looking at their functions and the problems that can occur if these hormones are not at optimal levels. Part II focuses on the most common problems that arise from hormonal imbalances, such as PMS, hot flashes, and endometriosis. Lastly, Part III details hormone replacement therapy, focusing on the difference between natural and synthetic hormone treatments. Whether you are looking for help with menopausal symptoms or you simply want to enjoy vibrant health, What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones can make a profound difference in your life.
Breaking the Vicious Cycle
Provides information on the relationship between food and such disorders as Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, and celiac disease, and offers a collection of recipes following the principles of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
Granta 130 India..
A powerful curiosity is the hallmark of new kind of Indian writing: important questions about the country's past and present have found their expression in different forms of non-fiction story-telling that twenty years ago tended to be the preserve of writers from the west. Biography, memoir, narrative history, reportage, the travel account: all these forms now have their interesting and original practitioners in India. In this Granta issue they tackle questions ranging from rape in village India to scandal in Mumbai clubs. And there is room, as always, for the best of India's fiction.
Bhutan for the Indian Traveller
Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, is no ordinary place. It is a traveller’s ultimate dream; a Himalayan kingdom replete with myths and legends, where the best of traditional culture thrives and the latest global developments are enthusiastically embraced. Discover Bhutan with a guide that understands the Indian traveller. Experience the pulsating markets, stately museums, sublime monasteries, formidable dzongs, picturesque mountain vistas, all laid out for you in convenient day-by-day itineraries and easy-to-follow listings. Our expert authors will guide you to the most authentic Indian restaurants, give you loads of reliable practical information and help you get the best possible value for money. Go armed with all the information you need without being bogged down by unnecessary details.