The Promise
Dad says, 'Go to work (how boring!) Heart says, 'Have a blast' (yippee) Dad kicks me out. What do I do now? (Lost!) Friends are damn busy (Grrrrrrr) I meet Pinky (It's definitely love at first sight, believe me!) I join CAT class (whoa! I am in love) My love life rolls on rocking (yeah, she loves me too. Great na?) Dad is also happy (Son is finally studying. Duh!) Rani steps in...nice girl, really cute (just a friend!) She is my best friend but then...she says she loves me... Oops... I kiss her (I didn't mean to...) But I love Pinky (Do I?) And I have made her a promise... (I can't break it) This is me, Ajay. (Lost and confused madly in love) Can you really measure friendship and love? Step into Ajay's world which is filled with frolic, fun, confusions and craziness to discover the truth about friendship and love. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A compulsive reader with a passion for writing, Chital Mehta is a 23 year old software engineer in Chennai. She believes that life is a gift that has to be cherished every minute. She is passionate about love stories because she believes love is the essence of life. Armed with her dreams, she believes nothing is impossible as long as one lives with profound faith. Besides writing, she loves to discover new books, enjoy rains, hear music and laugh till her stomach aches. An enthusiastic blogger who loves to learn new patterns of writing, she is constantly in search of new stories that can create a difference in others lives. EXCERPTS: I marched into her room, searching her room all over. All I could see were clothes spread all over her bed. The pink shade on all the walls defined that it was a girl's territory
I too had a love story (आय टू हॅड अ लव स्टोरी)
प्रेमकहाणीचा कधी अंत होतो? एखादी सुंदर व्यक्ती तुमच्या आयुष्यात येते आणि नंतर दूर निघून जाते...कायमची... कसं वाटतं तेव्हा?कसे वागू आपण? सगळ्याच प्रेमकाहाण्यांचा सुखांत होत नाही. हि रवीन आणि खुशीची हृदयस्पर्शी आणि तरल गोष्ट आहे. एका वधुवर सूचक वेबसाईट द्वारे भेटलेलं हे दोघं एकमेकांच्या प्रेमात पडतात आणि त्यांच्या प्रेमाला खूप कठीण कसोटीवर उतरावं लागतं. भावूक,प्रामाणिक,रोमांटिक,पण तरीही हेलावून टाकलेल्या या गोष्टीनं लाखो लोकांना प्रभावित केलं आहे. हि सर्वाधिक खप असलेली कादंबरी प्रेमाच्या जादूवर विश्वास असलेल्या प्रत्येकानंच वाचायला हवी. रविंदर सिंग यांनी प्रेम आणि आयुष्याच्या विविध पैलूचं विलोभनीय चित्र साकारलं आहे.
The Other Side
The Other Side is a collection of thirteen tales of the paranormal; a world that our eyes refuse to see, our ears deny hearing and our senses ignore the feel of. This is a book for someone who is brave enough to take up this invitation to journey through uncharted waters along with the authors, who were inspired by some bizarre experiences to pen down this work where the lines of reality have been blurred by the footsteps of imagination. Each story takes you on a tour de force of unadulterated horror and draws upon the deepest fear in the human mind- the fear of the Unknown!
Chockolate Sauce: Smooth Dark Sinful
Four individuals Arnab, Aditi, Jahnvi and Rishi. They are friends. Good friends. Strange friends and stranger relations. Arnab likes Jahnvi. Aditi likes Arnab. Jahnvi also thinks she likes Arnab. And Rishi.. well.. he likes everybody!! Arnab, family loving guy, younger son and mummys pet! Emotionally blackmailed to stay back in Indore, pursues his Graduation from Renaissance College. Aditi- Caring, helping and loving girl. Arnabs best friend. His agony aunt. Who knows and understands Arnab more than he himself can ever. Loves him? Does not love him? Neither knows that! Jahnvi, is a charming and pretty girl, with high values and family centric who would never want to hurt her parents in any way. Rishi, a playboy and unfortunately Arnabs best buddy. He loves many and more! Only if he knew whom he really loves?! Who loves whom more? Who leaves whom? And why? Does Arnab love Jahnvi or Aditi? Or does Arnab love both of them? Love. Break up. Useless logics. Sex buddy. Money. Career. Parents. And love again! Fate throws them challenges, one and all. Will they fight and win? Or lose? Read on the confused tale of love and lovers.
Te Amo... I Love You
It is said that LOVE changes LIVES forever! Well, it certainly does for Isabella and Aryan. They meet. They fall in love. But soon they realise that love is all about Sacrifices, Efforts and Hope. A sacrifice, which Isabella makes for her family and her love, Aryan. A sacrifice, which compels her to stay with Ethan, the man she hates most, and the man who tortures her everyday ! An effort, which Aryan makes to rescue his love, Isabella, from the dreadful clutches of the extremely powerful Ethan, and his vicious gang. A hope that persistently flares in the hearts of Isabella and Aryan, a hope to stay together, forever. But, will Isabella's selfless sacrifices bring any good to her, or her loved ones? Will Aryan's death-defying efforts be successful? Will Isabella and Aryan's eternal hope eventually come true? Let's unfold together a fascinating saga about passionate love, honest friendships, and ruthless animosity-a story about happiness and togetherness, hatred and revenge, sacrifices and solitude, efforts and hope.
Single and zesty Anamika revels in courting the men she fancies, but with words alone, careful not to indulge her physical desires. She is determined to lose her virginity to that man alone who commits. Uday, her married friend, based in Amsterdam, thinks differently. Strongly attracted to her, he cajoles her to give in to him; for her own good, he claims. Denying the body is wrong and unnatural in his view. But Anamika believes her latest find, Shekhar, a MNC professional, is getting serious about her and will soon propose. She waits it out, supported by her two chums Mohini, a divorcee who has affairs as a matter of necessity, and Preeti, a careerist, now seeking marriage desperately. But Shekhar seems in no hurry to commit. Uday meanwhile steps up his pursuit with frequent mails and calls. Anamika is in a dilemma. Should she nail down Shekhar? Or should she finally accept Uday's proposition and venture into the unknow.
Love Me In The End
A fanatically devoted father, a headstrong daughter and a devious rake make their way into the world of an arranged marriage, which is a sham. It was going to be the perfect match according to the father, but Ria was impulsive and Arman hated being tied to a girl he had never seen before. Ria was determined to put up a fight to the end and Arman, guided by his instincts, did not offer any help but to desire her with his heart. Could Arman convince her that he wa s the one for Ria? Come journey with me through....
True Lies And Hump
Puppy, why do people marry? asked Chinnu with her eyes lowered. To produce little babies, I replied. But can t I just adopt and take care of them? Of course you can, but who is going to take care of this baby? I asked, sliding my hands under the sheets and flicking her nose with my index finger and a thumb. Won t you take care of me, Puppy? I smiled and remained silent. On not hearing a reply, she brought herself closer to me, scooped her head on to my chest and clutched me as if it were the end of days. True Lies and Hump is a tale of living denial, where travesty of the young society meets its gradual renaissance. It portrays the raging storm in the minds of twenty-year olds and the confusion they go through to endure the highs and lows of life. It is a tale of transformation of an arrogant and self-centric creature to a mature and mellowed down human being. It also gives an insight into one of the greatest corporate frauds that India has known, through the eyes of an employee.
Dear, I Love You
A guy sees a girl, falls in love woos and wins her love. They both experience the ecstasy of love that develops between them and both realise the purport of love. They discover that love is blind, literally blind against anything in the world. The guy makes a mistake; he seeks forgiveness from the girl. The girl too commits a mistake. Again the guy seeks apologies from her. Does the girl forgive the guy modestly for the mistake SHE has made? Beyond just hormone secretion or the chemical reaction that takes place in the human body, love is something more. Trust...hope...life...
Just Friends. . .
He knows everything about her, right from her favourite books to her favorite bra. She knows everything about him, right from his favourite soccer club to his favourite x rated websites. He will complete her English homework, even at three in the night. She will arrange an Armani suit for him, even if it calls for flirting with ugly guys. He has her picture in his wallet. She has his number on speedial. They talk to each other all the time. They talk about each other when they dont talk to each other. They discuss everything from periods to playstation. They have tasted alcohol and then thrown up...together. They have bunked countless tuitions... together. They cant live without each other. YET They dont love each other. They are JUST FRIENDS...
Love Life And Ambition
As a young schoolboy, Ayushman joins Scindia School in Gwalior and in no time he becomes the best student in school and icon for all. The school ambience helps him to devote his full time to his work, and teachers always boosts him in his aim, which is to unveil Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, E=mc2. At Scindia, his sweet classmate falls in love with him and she keeps trying to get her lascivious desires fulfilled. Similarly, Ayushman's attention too gets diverted when he sees an alluring girl by his side in a science fair, and later she becomes his devastating desire. With E=mc2, love always goes parallel in their lives, though none of them knows anything about anyone's heart since the very inception of this book. What eye doesn't see and what mind doesn't know, this book has it all. Ayushman's desire to become a next sapient Albert Einstein always has different faces. Sometimes his spirits soaring and at the other times plummeting deep below, but he always continues to strive till he brings E=mc2 nearer to its final destination. After all he has to become Einstein II. But, is it possible for someone to be next Albert Einstein? Did Albert Einstein himself ever fell in love as Ayushman? Does ever love and science go hand-in-hand? To find out the final result, the novel has to be read as this unsaid story ends on a most unpredictable note.
That's The Life Baby
Sixteen is sweet, Seventeen sweeter and Eighteen is the sweetest! He thinks so. What about Love at Eighteen? It happens, everyday! Doesn\'t it? True for him! Have a lot of girls in your life. It feels macho to have options. Girls don\'t need the advice. They are the wiser sex and have been playing multi-boying games for eons. .....But he has three gorgeous damsels, all envious and shooting high testosterone levels. How will you thank god if your balcony faces a girls\' hostel? .....By being there 24*7? May be! Exactly what he aims at! Skirts lead to scandals. Don\'t they? Ban it or allow scandals. He loves both, skirts and scandals. What does he think about \'committed\' tag? You can\'t keep on eating the same chocolate all the time! Feels like jailed!!! Meet Abhi. He is one of you with a devil\'s head! A year at Kota and his life remains no more the same. It all starts with a Bollywood-style love at first sight with Aditi. He sees, he falls, he cajoles and a little luck makes them one! Together they write new rules of dating & romance. Their amorous adventures will make you feel the passion of adolescence. But one day everything changes. How? What? Why? Answers lie in the story. A stormy honeymoon of emotions......Get ready to laugh and cry!!!