Akashvanitil Divas (आकाशवाणीतील दिवस)
आकाशवाणी आणि दूरदर्शनच्या विस्ताराच्या मोठ्या जबाबदार्या त्यांच्यावर टाकल्या गेल्या. ज्या केंद्रातून गैरव्यवहाराच्या, भ्रष्टाचाराच्या तक्रारी येतील तेथे भोळे यांना पाठवले जाऊ लागले. भोळे यांनी ही कामगिरी निर्भीडपणे व नि:पक्षपातीपणे बजावली व मोठे नाव कमावले.
...But i Love You
People fall in love and fall out of love... When Niyoti came with her book "...But I Love You", I was going through a 'falling out of love' Phase. After I read the book I realized the simplicity of a real relationship and all it takes to just be there all your life. All couples fight but the best ones are those who resolve fast and bounce back to normalcy immediately..."...But I Love You" is a story about one such couple. I can't really express how happy I am to be entering the world of publication with this magically simple yet heart thouching story. Soon more copies will be printing and books will be displayed on shelves at various booksellers all over India and a lot of people reading the book will find themselves smiling, giggling, laughing and at times crying but at the end of it feeling right about love. Cheers to Love !!! Cheers to Life!!! About the Author Niyoti Khilare did her schooling in Sangli and is now studying M.B.B.S. In J.N.M.C. Belgaum. Her hobbies involve reading novels and writing poems. A couple of her poems have been printed in the Epic Literary Book of the year 2010 and one of her poems also won 1st prize in the international competition helf by poetrycraze.com. Also she is hoping to publish a book in poetry.