Tisara Stambha (तिसरा स्तंभ)
सरतेशेवटी, या पुस्तकातील इतिहासातला फेरफटका आशावाद सूचित करणारा आहे. आपली जीवनमूल्ये अपरिवर्तनीय नाहीत, ती बदलतात. डॉक्टर मार्टिन ल्यूथर किंग ज्युनिअर म्हणाले होते, 'वैश्विक नैतिकतेची कमान खूप उंच आहे; पण ती न्यायाकडे झुकणारी आहे.' छोट्या छोट्या तुकड्यांमध्ये इतिहासाचे अवलोकन केले, तर द्वेषाचे बी पेरून कलहाचे पेव फोडण्यासाठी वंशवाद आणि लढाऊ राष्ट्रवाद जगात पुन्हा पुन्हा डोके वर काढत असतात असे वाटेल, त्यामुळे इतिहासाची पुनरावृत्ती होते, असे आपल्याला वाटते. असले संघर्ष ज्या समाजात घडतात, तो समाज तर बदलत असतो. त्या बदलाची दिशा सहिष्णुता, आदर आणि न्याय्यता यांच्याकडे जाणारी असते. त्या रेषेत प्रवास करताना चढ-उतार होतच राहतात. आज आपण उतरणीला लागलो असलो आणि अजूनही फार लांबचा पल्ला गाठायचा असला तरी आपण मजल-दरमजल करत इथवर आलो आहोत, त्यामुळे आपल्याला आशा वाटली पाहिजे. भविष्यात आकस्मिक आश्चर्याचे धक्के बसू नयेत म्हणून आपण भविष्याला आकार देत राहिले पाहिजे. अजून खूप काम करायचे आहे. चांगले आणि शांततापूर्ण एकात्म जीवन जगायचे असेल, तर मार्ग सुज्ञपणे निवडला पाहिजे. आपण तसे करू शकू, असा मला विश्वास आहे.
The Third Pillar
Mostly, economists focus on the relationship between markets and the state. The social issues are often overlooked by them. The title of this book refers to the community that we live in. According to Rajan, ignoring the social issues can be dangerous as all markets are intricately influenced by human relations, values, and norms. In fact, throughout history, the technological phase shifts have drastically changed the old norms which led to violent backlashes and paved the way for populism. Even though an equilibrium has been reached, but it can get messy and ugly if not handled properly. Rajan argues that it has been done wrong, and as the markets and the state scale up, economic and political forces are being concentrated on the center. As a result, the peripheral, yet crucial, social structures are being destructed. Rajan advocates that local communities should be empowered to deflate unrest and despair. Thus, he emphasises on delegating the decision-making power to the grassroots in our democracy to avoid conflict and ultimate destruction.
I Do What I Do
Raghuram G. Rajan is the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. He was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India between 2013 and 2016, and also served as Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Bank for International Settlements between 2015 and 2016. Dr Rajan was the Chief Economist and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund from 2003 to 2006. Dr Rajan's research interests are in banking, corporate finance, and economic development, especially the role finance plays in it. He co-authored Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists with Luigi Zingales in 2003. He then wrote Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy, for which he was awarded the Financial Times-Goldman Sachs prize for best business book in 2010. Dr Rajan was the President of the American Finance Association in 2011 and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Group of Thirty. In 2003, the American Finance Association awarded Dr Rajan the inaugural Fischer Black Prize for the best finance researcher under the age of forty. The other awards he has received include the Deutsche Bank Prize for Financial Economics in 2013, Euromoney magazine's Central Banker of the Year Award 2014 and The Banker magazine's Global Central Banker of the Year award in 2016.