The Last Don ( द लास्ट डॉन)
कोणत्याही स्वरूपाची गुन्हेगारी, ही, खरं तर, जात, धर्म, प्रांत, देश या सगळ्या सीमा ओलांडून सगळ्या प्रकारच्या समाजांत, पार इतिहासपूर्व काळापासून कमी-अधिक प्रमाणात अस्तित्वात असलेली सामाजिक प्रवृत्ती आहे. हीच गुन्हेगारी जेव्हा संघटित स्वरूप धारण करते, तेव्हा मात्र ती त्या समाजाची, राष्ट्राची -- फार कशाला, सार्या जगाची -- डोकेदुखी बनते आणि समाजाच्या दुर्दैवानं, ज्यांच्याकडं समाजानं न्यायदानाची अपेक्षा करायची, त्या न्यायसंस्थेशी, राजकीय नेत्यांशी किंवा पक्षांशी जर अशा संघटित गुन्हेगारीनं हातमिळवणी केली, तर मात्र या डोकेदुखीचं रूपान्तर अत्यंत झपाट्यानं कॅन्सरमध्ये होतं. सुसंघटित गुन्हेगारी, तीमध्ये गुंतलेली, प्रत्यक्ष वा अप्रत्यक्षरीत्या सहभागी असलेली 'माणसं’, तिचे विविध पैलू, पदर, अंतर्प्रवाह, अंतर्गत कलह, त्या 'माणसां’चे विविध मनोव्यापार, या सर्व गोष्टी जनसामान्यांपुढं उलगडून ठेवणारं जे काही लेखन जगभरात झालं आहे, त्यामध्ये जे एक नाव प्रामुख्यानं घेतलं जातं, ते म्हणजे प्रख्यात अमेरिकन लेखक मारिओ पुझो याचं. प्रचंड व्यासंग आणि भरपूर संशोधन करून, ललित लेखनाच्या माध्यमातून; पण बर्याचशा वस्तुनिष्ठ पद्धतीनं, गुन्हेगारांना किंवा गुन्हेगारीला कुठंही देवत्व न देता किंवा त्याचं समर्थनही न करता मारिओ पुझोनं विलक्षण कौशल्यानं हे चित्रण केलेलं आहे. 'द डार्क एरिना’, 'फॉर्च्युनेट पिल्ग्रिम’, 'गॉडफादर’, 'फूल्स डाय’, 'द सिसिलियन’, 'ओमेर्ता’, 'द फोर्थ के’ या त्याच्या याआधीच्या सर्व जगभरात गाजलेल्या कादंबर्या आहेत. 'द लास्ट डॉन’ ही मारिओ पुझोची नवी कादंबरीही संघटित गुन्हेगारीचंच भेदक चित्रण करणारी असली, तरी जाणत्या वाचकाला सावध आणि अंतर्मुख करणारी आहे.
The Sicilian
ichael Corleone's exile in Sicily is ending, but on the instructions of his father, The Godfather, he must bring back to him the young man known as Salvatore Giuliano - if he can find him. At sea amid the treacheries of a brutal and unfamiliar land, Michael must find a way through the labyrinthine deceits that surround him, while Giuliano prepares himself for a final confrontation with Don Croce, Capo di Capi of the Sicilian Mafia. A novel of explosive suspense, heroic action - and evil on an epic scale. In the hands of Mario Puzo's brilliantly sinister talent, the reader comes to know again the terrible magic of the Mafia.
The Last Don
The Last Don is Mario Puzo at his finest – a masterful saga of the last great American crime family, the Clericuzios, and their powerful reach into Hollywood and Las Vegas. Domenico Clericuzio is a wise and ruthless man who in his old age is determined to create a life free from criminal activities for his grandchildren. But as he strives to establish his heirs in legitimate society, secrets from his family’s past spark a vicious and bloody war between cousins.
Omerta (ओमेर्ता)
गॉडफादर' या विश्वविख्यात कादंबरीचे लेखक मारिओ पुझो यांची नवी कादंबरी. जन्मभर खास सिसिलियन पद्धतीनं भरपूर गुन्हे केल्यावर वृद्धपणी संघटित गुन्हेगारीतून आपल्या मान, प्रतिष्ठेला कुठेही तडा जाऊ न देता निवृत्त होण्याइतका डॉन एप्रिल निश्चितपणे दूरदर्शी आणि समयसूचक होता. मुलांना त्यानं गुन्हेगारी जगाचा वाराही लागू दिलेला नव्हता. त्याचं संरक्षण व्हावं म्हणून त्यांनं सिसिलीमधून एक पुतण्या दत्तक घेतला. त्याचं नाव 'ऍस्टर व्हायोला'. डॉन रेमंड एप्रिलची गुन्हेगारीतून निवृत्ती म्हणजे इतर माफिया फॅमिलींना आपले हातपाय पसरण्याची संधी होती, पण एफबीआयचा स्पेशल एजंट कुर्ट सिल्की मात्र तिकडे संशयाने पाहत होता. तेवढ्यात एक अतर्क्य घटना घडली...निवृत्त झालेल्या डॉन एप्रिलचा खून झाला ! सिल्की आणि एफबीआयनं माफियाविरुद्ध आणखी एक जोरदार मोहीम उघडली आणि ऍस्टर व्हायोला आणि डॉन एप्रिलची मुलं आणखी एका - शेवटच्या - युद्धात विनाकरण ओढली गेली. पण आता त्यांच्या मनात संभ्रम आहे - कायद्याच्या बाजूला नेमकं कोण आहे ? आणि आपण काय करायचं ?
Six Graves To Munich
In the final days of the Second World War, Michael Rogan, an American intelligenceofficer, is tortured by a group of seven senior Gestapo officers who need to discoverthe secrets he alone can give them. Ten years later, when he has recovered fromthe appalling injuries he suffered, and determined to revenge the death of his wife atthe hands of the same men, he begins a quest to track down and kill each one of histormentors. Dark, violent, and graphic, this is an addictive thriller about how far oneman will go to exact his own justice.Written a year before Puzo completed The Godfather, published under a pseudonymand only very recently brought to light, Six Graves to Munich bears all the hallmarksof a master storyteller.
The GodFather
Tryant, blackmailer, racketeer, murder, his influence reaches every level of American society. Meet Don Corleone, a friendly man, a just man, a reasonable man. The deadliest lord of the Cosa Nostra. The Godfather
Fools Die
Fame and wealth, skulduggery and cheating and pimping, love affairs and carnal arrangements, one seene following another pell mell, all written with unflagging vitality…bawdy, comic, highly-coloured, hyponotic. It would be a very cool reader who did not devour the whole mixture greedily
The Fortunate Pilgrim
Lucia Santa came to New York from the mountain farms of Italy because she knew there had to be a better life. But what she finds in the streets of Hell's Kitchen is a life to break a strong woman's heart. Two tragic marriages, six children to support by herself, a fiery-hearted daughter who insists on living and loving as an American, an oldest son who gets involved with the mafia. And through it all, Lucia Santa--wife, widow, mother, grandmother--endures as a woman of incomparable dignity, courage, and passion. Filled with laughter and tears, fury and forgiveness, The Fortunate Pilgrim is a spellbinding portrait of a family determined to survive in America. It is a novel that only Mario Puzo could have written.
To Don Raymonde Aprile's children he was a loyal family member, their father's adopted "nephew." To the FBI he was a man who would rather ride his horses than do Mob business. No one knew why Aprile, the last great American Don, had adopted Astorre Viola many years before in Sicily; no one suspected how he had carefully trained him . . . and how, while the Don's children claimed respectable careers in America, Astorre Viola waited for his time to come.
The GodFather Returns
It is 1955. Michael Corleone has won a bloody victory in the war among New York's crime families. Now he wants to consolidate his power, save his marriage, and take his family into legitimate businesses. To do so, he must confront his most dangerous adversary yet, Nick Geraci, a former boxer who worked his way through law school as a Corleone street enforcer, and who is every bit as deadly and cunning as Michael. Their personal cold war will run from 1955 to 1962, exerting immense influence on the lives of America's most powerful criminals and their loved ones