My Dateless Diary: An American Journey
An unusual and witty travel book about the United States of America. At the age of fifty, when most people have settled for the safety of routine, R. K. Narayan left India for the first time to travel through America. In this account of his journey, the writer s pen unerringly captures the clamour and energy of New York city, the friendliness of the West Coast, the wealth and insularity of the Mid-West, the magnificence of the Grand Canyon...Threading their way through the narrative are a host of delightful characters from celebrities like Greta Garbo, Aldous Huxley, Martha Graham, Cartier Bresson, Milton Singer, Edward G. Robinson and Ravi Shankar to the anonymous business tycoon on the train who dismissed the writer when he discovered Narayan had nothing to do with India s steel industry. As a bonus, there are wry snapshots of those small but essential aspects of American life muggers, fast food restaurants, instant gurus, subway commuters, TV advertisements, and American football. An entrancing and compelling travelogue about an endlessly fascinating land.
Indian Thought : A Miscellany
Collection of writings on Indian philosophy, poetics and literature, an original volume
Malgudi Landscape: The Best Of R.K. Narayan
The Very Best Of R.K. Narayan: Timeless Malgudi
Over a career spanning seven decades, R.K. Narayan, easily one of the most influential and important writers of India, populated the fictional town of Malgudi with a host of unforgettable characters: Swami and his gang of friends, the Talkative Man, Raju the guide and Sampath the printer, among many others. These characters have carved out a place for themselves in popular imagination and live on, still fresh and endlessly entertaining, many decades after they first appeared.Timeless Malgudi brings together a selection of the best and the most enduring of R.K. Narayan's fiction and nonfiction. The Guide examines, with wit and irony, how a man becomes a godman. The story 'A Horse and Two Goats' describes an attempt at crosscultural communication which goes haywire, with hilarious consequences. The excerpt from My Days, Narayan's autobiography, paints a poignant picture of the author's childhood while the 'Misguided Guide' is a cynical, sharply written chronicle of the making of the film.
The World Of Malgudi Mr Sampath The Financial Expe
Brings together four novels of that irrepressible master of storytelling.
Halwai (हलवाई )
साठ वर्षांचा हलवाई जगन. गांधीजींच्या उच्च विचारांनी भारलेला. त्याच्यासाठी त्याचा मुलगा,माली म्हणजे सर्वस्व. पण माली शिक्षण सोडून अमेरिका वारी करतो आणि येताना सोबत अमेरिकन बायको घेऊन येतो. जगनच्या नैतिक-अनैतिकाच्या कल्पना आणि मालीची अतिआधुनिक विचारशैली यांच्या संघर्षातून ही नर्मविनोदी कथा आकार घेत जाते.
Vadachya Zadakhali (वडाच्या झाडाखाली)
एक बंडखोर तरुण त्याच्या आई-वडिलांनी त्याच्या लहानपणी पूर्वापार कुठल्यातरी देवळात जाऊन केलेला जुना नवस फेडण्याचा आदर करण्याऐवजी त्यांना नकार देतो... एक चलाख, चुणचुणीत दिसणारा तरुण मुलगा सगळ्यांवर छाप पडून विश्वास संपादन करतो आणि नंतर एका दुकानदाराचे दिवाळे काढतो... एक शिक्षक पालकांनी लाडावलेल्या लहान मुलाकडून अभ्यास करून घ्यायला येतो, पण तो मुलगा त्या शिक्षकाला अजिबात दाद न देता दुसऱ्याच गोष्टीत भरकटत ठेवतो...खुसखुशीत विनोदाची फोडणी असणाऱ्या आणि भोवतालाशी घट्ट वीण सांगणाऱ्या मालगुडीस्टाइल रम्य कथांचा संग्रह ‘वडाच्या झाडाखाली आणि इतर कथा.’
A Writer's Nightmare
The pick of thirty years of essays from R.K. Narayan, India’s greatest English language novelist. R.K. Narayan is perhaps better known as a novelist, but his essays are as delightful and enchanting as his stories and novels. Introducing this selection of essays, Narayan writes, ‘I have always been drawn to the personal essay in which you see something of the author himself apart from the theme. The scope for such a composition is unlimited—the mood may be somber, hilarious or satirical and the theme may range from what the author notices from his window to what he sees in his waste-paper basket to a world cataclysm.’ A Writer’s Nightmare is the marvelous result of Narayan likes for the personal essay. In the book, he tackles subjects such as weddings, mathematics, coffee, umbrellas, teachers, newspapers, architecture, monkeys, the caste system, lovers—all sorts of topics, simple and not so simple, which reveal the very essence of India.
Guide (गाइड)
आर क़े .नारायण हे जगभरात मान्यताप्राप्त असे इंग्रजी साहित्यिक . त्यांच्या ' द गाइड ' या इंग्रजी कादंबरीला १९६० मध्ये ' साहित्य अकादमी ' पुरस्कार प्राप्त झाला आणि एका श्रेष्ठ पौर्वात्य साहित्यकृती म्हणून ती जगभर बहुचर्चित ठरली . १९६५ मध्ये याच कादंबरीवर आधारित विजय आनंद दिग्दर्शित ' गाइड' हा कलात्मक चित्रपट प्रदर्शित झाला आणि कांदबरीचा व्यापक आशय व त्यातील राजू गाइड, नृत्यांगना रोझी ,तिचा पती मार्को आदी या मातीतल्या व्यक्तिरेखा सर्वतोमुखी झाल्या . आज पाच दशंक उलटून गेली तरी अनेक प्रश्न चर्चेत राहिले . एका सामान्य भोगवादी राजू गाइडच अध्यात्मिक 'स्वामी 'मध्ये रुपांतर होऊ शकत ? एका कलासक्त विवाहित स्त्रीने पतीला सोडून नृत्यकलेचा ध्यास घेण , राजूसारख्या परपुरुषासोबत राहणं नैतिकतेच्या चोकटीत बसत? मूळ कथेत व चित्रपट कथेत काय फरक होता ? तो योग्य होता का ? यांसारखा अनेक प्रश्नांचा उलगडा हि कांदबरी वाचल्याशिवाय होण अशक्यच . सर्जनशीलतेचा ध्यास,ज्ञान-संशोधनाच ध्यास , भोगवाद व अध्यात्म अशा अनेक गोष्टींचं एकात्म चिंतन करायला लावणाऱ्या मूळ इग्रजी कांदबरीचा उल्का राउत यांनी सिद्ध केलेला हा अनुवाद कल्पनारम्यता आणि अध्यात्म यांचा अभूतपूर्व मेळ घालणारी , अत्यंत रोचक व तत्वाण्यानात्मक डूब असलेली हि कांदबरी मराठी वाचकांसाठी आजही एक आगळी आनंदपर्वणी ठरते-गाइड
Puffin Classics:Malgudi Schooldays
Set in pre-independent India, Malgudi Schooldays revolves around little Swami and his many adventures in the fictional town of Malgudi. Swami, the protagonist, is a young boy who does not really enjoy school. Often indulging in pranks, school for Swami is a terrible burden. Gazing at trains, entertaining himself by noting different hairstyles and caps, breaking the principal’s window, and running away from school are just a few of the antics that comprise the schooldays of the protagonist. Swami, Somu, Mani, Samuel and Shankar are very good friends who often indulge in adventures together. But the dynamics are all about to change when the intelligent and bold Rajam enters the group. The Malgudi Cricket Club or MCC is started and Swami is elected to be the team’s bowler. A star of the team, Swami soon is faced with a new problem. He has to attend the school drill and the cricket coaching at the same time. How will Swami handle the new boy? Will Swami be able to attend the cricket coaching? Or will his misadventures get him into further trouble? Malgudi Schooldays is a highly invigorating account of the nostalgic school days of Swami and his friends. Written from the perspective of the young troublemaker, the book revisits the innocence, imagination, and simpler times of childhood. This edition of Malgudi Schooldays by Penguin classics was published in 2009 and is popular among the young and old alike. It is inclusive of an introduction by Shashi Deshpande. About R. K. Narayan Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami was one of India’s best known writers, teachers, and reporters. Some of his best loved works are Swami And Friends, The Financial Expert, The Man-Eater Of Malgudi, The Vendor Of Sweets, The Bachelor Of Arts, The Guide, The Dark Room, and Mr. Sampath. Rightly regarded as a painter of words, Narayan’s works were loved for his simple, descriptive, and unpretentious narratives. Most of his writing was a portrayal of everyday Indian life, focusing on the common man. Realism and humour are the other key elements of his books. Born in Chennai, Narayan completed his schooling there and in Mysore. He got his bachelor’s degree from Maharaja College of Mysore. Narayan is the recipient of popular awards like the Padma Vibhushan and the Sahitya Akademi Award. He was also conferred Honorary Doctorates by the University of Mysore, Delhi University, and the University of Leeds. Many of his books have been adapted into into movies and series. He was married to Rajam and had a daughter Hema.
The Very Best of R. K. Narayan Timeless Malgudi
Over a career spanning seven decades, R.K. Narayan, easily one of the most influential and important writers of India, populated the fictional town of Malgudi with a host of unforgettable characters: Swami and his gang of friends, the Talkative Man, Raju the guide and Sampath the printer, among many others. These characters have carved out a place for themselves in popular imagination and live on, still fresh and endlessly entertaining, many decades after they first appeared. Timeless Malgudi brings together a selection of the best and the most enduring of R.K. Narayans fiction and non-fiction. The Guide examines, with wit and irony, how a man becomes a godman. The story A Horse and Two Goats describes an attempt at cross-cultural communication which goes haywire, with hilarious consequences. The excerpt from My Days, Narayans autobiography, paints a poignant picture of the authors childhood while the Misguided Guide is a cynical, sharply written chronicle of the making of the film Guide, based on his novel. Also included in this volume are excerpts from the travelogue My Dateless Diary and a brilliant retelling of the Tamil epic Silappadikaram. Catering both to Narayan aficionados and to readers who have not yet been introduced to his work, Timeless Malgudi is as much a showcase of Narayans writing as it is a celebration of Malgudi, the town which time does not touch
The Ramayana
For centuries, Indians have held Rama to be the perfect man: unfailingly noble, utterly poised, fearless and strong, wise, compassionate and free from anger, a just ruler and an implacable foe of all wrongdoers. Countless others worship Rama as an avatar, a human incarnation of Lord Vishnu born to vanquish the forces of evil and establish a kingdom of perfect justice and harmony upon the earth. The Ramayana, one of lndia's greatest epics, lovingly unfolds the story of Rama's life. Ever since its original composition in Sanskrit by Vaimiki, possibly over 3,000 years ago, it has grown to be an all-pervasive and hugely-loved part of Indian life and ethos. Millions read it, re-read it, and revere it as a scripture. It is the perennially favourite bedtime story for children. And each autumn, Rama's victory over the mighty demon-king Ravana is celebrated through plays and dance-dramas in cities, towns and villages across the land. There is much festivity: crackers are exploded, sweets distributed and all houses are lit up in tribute to Rama.
My Days Autobiography of R.K.Narayan
Narayan was born on October 10, 1906 in Madras. This is a commemorative publication issued to mark the Birth Centenary of the author. Rare photograph of Narayan and brilliant sketches by his brother R K Laxman, the famous cartoonist, are notable features of this collector's edition. Narayan, the creator of Malgudi, in his simple lucid style speaks of his life in My Days. The book is in three sections - in the first, he describes his life as a lonely child growing up in his grandmother's house in Madras with a monkey, a peacock and a parrot for companions! He goes to describe his first school, the fear of the teacher and the anxiety to remain unnoticed, being a player in the local football team 'Jumping Stars'; his move to Mysore and admission to a school, where his father is the Headmaster. The second section deals with the obstacles he encountered as a young writer, how the manuscript of his first book Swami and Friends caught the attention of Graham Greene; their life long friendship; his falling in love and marriage to Rajam, the birth of their daughter and the poignant tale of his wife's untimely death that left his devastated and his coming to terms with it, and his experiments with psychics. In the last section, he gives a detailed account of his overcoming the writer's block, and the writing of the The English Teacher.He continues describing his literary journey and his evolution as a fine writer. He writes about how he worked on his novel and short stories. About his visit to the U.S.A at the invitation of the Rockefeller Foundation, how he stayed on for a couple of months at Berkeley and wrote The Guide. In the last few chapters we see an established, contented, writer known worldwide for his characteristic simple, lucid style and gentle irony
The English Teacher
The English Teacher While Krishna teaches at the Albert Mission College his wife and daughter live some distance away with his parents-in-law. But a move to a small rented house soon permits the couple to enjoy a life of marital bliss. Yet paradise is short-lived... Never has the magical storyteller of imaginary Malgudi woven tragedy and humour so deftly together
A Tiger For Malgudi
R. K. Narayan's magnificent new novel is about a tigerpossessed of the soul of an enlightened human being who tells us the story ofhis life. Raja leaves his home in the Mempi hills only to find he is capturedand made to perform in a circus and on a film set. Eventually he escapes, onlyto be recaptured - but this time voluntarily - by a guru. The two of them leaveMalgudi and return to the hills where they pass their days in sweetphilosophical discourse until old age overtakes Raja and he is forced to give uphis freedom for ever. A haunting tale, A Tiger For Malgudi uniquelycombines the elusive timeless quality of Hindu legend with the comic vision ofNarayan's earlier Malgudi novels. Everyone, young and old, will enjoy the verysimplicity of this compelling fable, but some will want to explore with Raja thepathway to true enlightenment.