Idols : Unearthing the Power of Murti Puja
Why do people worship idols? Why does idol worship stubbornly persist despite many centuries of prejudice, bigotry and violence against it? Can such worship help us find our true purpose in life and ultimately attain peace and prosperity? In Idols, a companion volume to the bestselling Dharma, your favourite fictional characters are back, along with some new ones, to explore the essence and true meaning of murti puja. In this insightful and thought-provoking book, Amish and Bhavna tackle burning questions about idol worship through simple, varied and astute interpretations of myths and religious texts. They unearth the symbolic essence of Ishta Devata, dive into the benefits of bhakti and tackle the importance of religion for people and society. In the process, they reveal the expansive philosophy behind the practice and how it can lead us to experience—intellectually, ideologically and, most importantly, in our hearts—the Oneness of God, through transformation, acceptance and love.
Lankecha Sangram (लंकेचा संग्राम)
लंका जळेल, अंधःकार व्यापेल. पण प्रकाश टिकू शकेल? भारत, खिपू ३४०० वखवख. राग. दुःख. धुमसते निखारे, युद्धाची ठिणगी पेटवण्यासाठी अधीर पण हे युद्ध वेगळे आहे. हे धर्मासाठी आहे. सर्वश्रेष्ठ देवीसाठी हे युद्ध आहे. सीतेचे अपहरण झालेले आहे. निडरपणे ती रावणाला तिला ठार मारण्याचं आव्हान देते - रामाला शरण यायला लावण्यापेक्षा ती मरण पत्करेल. दुःखाने आणि क्रोधाने राम वेडापिसा झाला आहे. तो युद्धाच्या तयारीत आहे. संताप हे त्याचे इंधन आहे. एकाग्रचित्तता हे त्याचे सुकाणू आहे. आपण अजिंक्य आहोत अशी रावणाची समजूत होती. आपण वाटाघाटी करून शरणागती घडवून आणू असा त्याचा विचार होता. त्याला माहीत नव्हतं... भारतीय प्रकाशन विश्वातील सर्वात वेगवान खपाच्या दुसऱ्या क्रमांकाच्या मालिकेतील -राम चंद्र मालिकेतील पहिली तीन पुस्तके राम, सीता आणि रावण यांच्या वैयक्तिक प्रवासाचा शोध घेतात. या विशेष चौथ्या पुस्तकात, त्यांच्या कथांचे धागे एकमेकांवर आदळतात आणि स्फोट होतो एका नृशंस संग्रामाचा. धर्मनियमांनी बांधलेला राम निर्दय, क्रूर रावणाचा पराभव करेल? लंका भस्मसात होईल, की कॉडलेल्या वाघासारखी पलटून तुटून पडेल? विजयासाठी युद्धाची भयानक किंमत मोजावीच लागेल का? सर्वात महत्त्वाचे, विष्णूचे उत्थान होईल? आणि या भूमीच्या खऱ्या शत्रूंना विष्णूचे भय वाटेल? कारण भीतीपोटीच प्रेम जन्म घेते. "अमीश भारताचा सर्वात मोठा साहित्यिक रॉकस्टार आहे.' - शेखर कपूर
War of Lanka
LANKA WILL BURN. DARKNESS WILL PERISH. BUT CAN LIGHT ENDURE? INDIA, 3400 BCE. Greed. Rage. Grief. Love. Smouldering tinder, waiting to trigger a war. But this war is different. This one is for Dharma. This war is for the greatest Goddess of them all. Sita has been kidnapped. Defiantly, she dares Raavan to kill her - she'd rather die than allow Ram to surrender. Ram is beside himself with grief and rage. He prepares for war. Fury is his fuel. Calm focus, his guide. Raavan thought he was invincible. He thought he'd negotiate and force a surrender. Little did he know ... The first three books of the second-fastest-selling book series in Indian publishing history - the Ram Chandra Series - explore the individual journeys of Ram, Sita and Raavan. In this, the epic fourth book of the series, their narrative strands crash into each other, and explode in a slaughterous war. Will Ram defeat the ruthless and fiendish Raavan, constrained as he is by the laws of Dharma? Will Lanka burn to a cinder or fight back like a cornered tiger? Will the terrible costs of war be worth the victory? Most importantly, will the Vishnu rise? And will the real enemies of the land fear the Vishnu? For fear is the mother of love.
Dharma Decoding The Epics For A Meaningful Life
Stories can be both entertaining and educative. They can also be insightful and illuminating, especially when they have travelled down the generations, through the centuries, taking on and eliding new meanings with each retelling. In this genre-bending book, the first of a series, Amish and Bhavna dive into the priceless treasure trove of the ancient Indian epics, as well as the vast and complex universe of Amish’s Meluha (through his Shiva Trilogy and Ram Chandra Series), to explore some of the key concepts of Indian philosophy. What is the ideal interplay between thought and action, taking and giving, self-love and sacrifice? How can we tell right from wrong? What can we do to bring out the best in ourselves, and to live a life with purpose and meaning, not just one fuelled by the ego and material needs? The answers lie in these simple and wise interpretations of our favourite stories by a lovable cast of fictional characters who you’ll enjoy getting to know.
Legend Of Suheldev The King Who Saved India
A Forgotten Hero. An Unforgettable Battle.India, 1025 AD. Repeated attacks by Mahmud of Ghazni and his barbaric Turkic hordes have weakened India’s northern regions. The invaders lay waste to vast swathes of the subcontinent—plundering, killing, raping, pillaging. Many of the old Indian kingdoms, tired and divided, fall to them. Those who do fight, battle with old codes of chivalry, and are unable to stop the savage Turkic army which repeatedly breaks all rules to win. Then the Turks raid and destroy one of the holiest temples in the land: the magnificent Lord Shiva temple at Somnath. At this most desperate of times, a warrior rises to defend the nation. King Suheldev. The ruler of a small kingdom, he sees what must be done for his motherland, and is willing to sacrifice his all for it. A fierce rebel. A charismatic leader. An inclusive patriot. Read this blockbuster epic adventure of courage and heroism, a fictional tale based on true events, that recounts the story of that lionhearted warrior and the magnificent Battle of Bahraich.
Raavan Aryavartacha Shatru (रावण आर्यावर्ताचा शत्र
WITHOUT THE DARKNESS, LIGHT HAS NO PURPOSE. WITHOUT THE VILLAIN, WHAT WOULD THE GODS DO? INDIA, 3400 BCE. A land in tumult, poverty and chaos. Most people suffer quietly. A few rebel. Some fight for a better world. Some for themselves. Some don’t give a damn. Raavan. Fathered by one of the most illustrious sages of the time. Blessed by the Gods with talents beyond all. Cursed by fate to be tested to the extremes. A formidable teenage pirate, he is filled with equal parts courage, cruelty and fearsome resolve. A resolve to be a giant among men, to conquer, plunder, and seize the greatness that he thinks is his right. A man of contrasts, of brutal violence and scholarly knowledge. A man who will love without reward and kill without remorse. This exhilarating third book of the Ram Chandra series sheds light on Raavan, the king of Lanka. And the light shines on darkness of the darkest kind. Is he the greatest villain in history or just a man in a dark place, all the time? Read the epic tale of one of the most complex, violent, passionate and accomplished men of all time.
Raavan Enemy of Aryavarta
WITHOUT THE DARKNESS, LIGHT HAS NO PURPOSE. WITHOUT THE VILLAIN, WHAT WOULD THE GODS DO? INDIA, 3400 BCE. A land in tumult, poverty and chaos. Most people suffer quietly. A few rebel. Some fight for a better world. Some for themselves. Some don’t give a damn. Raavan. Fathered by one of the most illustrious sages of the time. Blessed by the Gods with talents beyond all. Cursed by fate to be tested to the extremes. A formidable teenage pirate, he is filled with equal parts courage, cruelty and fearsome resolve. A resolve to be a giant among men, to conquer, plunder, and seize the greatness that he thinks is his right. A man of contrasts, of brutal violence and scholarly knowledge. A man who will love without reward and kill without remorse. This exhilarating third book of the Ram Chandra series sheds light on Ravaan, the king of Lanka. And the light shines on darkness of the darkest kind. Is he the greatest villain in history or just a man in a dark place, all the time? Read the epic tale of one of the most complex, violent, passionate and accomplished men of all time.
Immortal India
Amish Tripathi has written 5 bestsellers which sell in 19 languages in India and across the world. Apart from being India's top bestselling author for the fastest selling book series in Indian history, he is also an avid student of Indian history and culture. In order to make his fiction novels authentic, he does extensive research and believes that you need to read a 100 pages to be able to write just 1 page convincingly This has made him a powerhouse of knowledge on all things Indian, past and present and that's what makes him a much sought after columnist for leading Indian newspapers like The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Telegraph, The Hindu and most of India's prestigious dailies. He is also renowned for stirring speeches across literary festivals and corporate gatherings that offer insights from our culture which are timeless and relevant to present-day India. For the first time Westland offers an exciting compilation of articles and speeches covering myriad topics across history, mythology, social issues and religion. For the avid reader, there are also personal musings that offer a window into the mind of one of your favourite author. INDIA ... A YOUNG COUNTRY, A TIMELESS CIVILISATION EXPLORE IT WITH INDIA'S VERY OWN STORYTELLER, AMISH India, a culture that witnessed the dawn of civilisation. That witnessed the rise of other cultures and watched them turn to dust. It has been celebrated and attacked. Admired and vilified. But through all these millennia, after all the ups and downs of history, it's still here! And now, after a few centuries of decline, it's driving a new dawn once again. Ajanaabhavarsh. Bharat. Hindustan. India. The names may change, but the soul of this great land is immortal. Amish helps you understand India like never before, through a series of sharp articles, nuanced speeches and intelligent debates. Based on his deep understanding of subjects such as, religion, mythology, tradition, history, contemporary societal norms, governance, and ethics, in Immortal India: Young Country, Timeless Civilisation, Amish lays out the vast landscape of an ancient culture with a fascinatingly modern outlook.
Sita Warrior of Mithila
Described as 'India's first literary popstar' by world-renowned film director Shekhar Kapur, Amish's unique combination of crackling story-telling, religious symbolism and profound philosophies have made him an overnight publishing phenomenon, with spiritual guru Deepak Chopra hailing Amish's books as 'archetypal and stirring'. Amish's books include the Shiva Trilogy (The Immortals of Meluha (2010); The Secret of the Nagas (2011); The Oath of the Vayuputras (2013)) and the Ram Chandra Series (Scion of Ikshvaku (2015)). His books have sold over 3.5 million copies with gross retail sales of over Rupees 100 crores. The Shiva Trilogy is the fastest selling book series in Indian publishing history. Scion of Ikshvaku was the highest selling book of 2015. His books have been translated into 19 Indian and International languages. Amish won various awards, including the Raymond Crossword Book Award 2015 for ‘Scion Of Ikshvaku’. Forbes Magazine has listed Amish amongst the 100 most influential celebrities in India, four years in a row. He has also received the Society Young Achievers Award for literature in 2013, Man of the Year by Radio City, Communicator of the Year by PR Council of India, Dainak Bhaskar Reader’s Choice Awards and Pride of India award (Literature). Amish was also selected as an Eisenhower Fellow, a prestigious American programme for outstanding leaders from around the world. Amish is a graduate of IIM-Calcutta and worked for 14 years in the financial services industry before turning to full-time writing. He lives in Mumbai with his wife Preeti and son Neel.
Scion Of Ikshvaku
Ram Rajya. The Perfect Land.But perfection has a price. He paid that price. 3400 BCE. INDIA Ayodhya is weakened by divisions. A terrible war has taken its toll. The damage runs deep. The demon King of Lanka, Raavan, does not impose his rule on the defeated. He, instead, imposes his trade. Money is sucked out of the empire. The Sapt Sindhu people descend into poverty, despondency and corruption. They cry for a leader to lead them out of the morass. Little do they appreciate that the leader is among them. One whom they know. A tortured and ostracised prince. A prince they tried to break. A prince called Ram. He loves his country, even when his countrymen torment him. He stands alone for the law. His band of brothers, his Sita, and he, against the darkness of chaos. Will Ram rise above the taint that others heap on him? Will his love for Sita sustain him through his struggle? Will he defeat the demon Lord Raavan who destroyed his childhood? Will he fulfil the destiny of the Vishnu? Begin an epic journey with Amish’s latest: the Ram Chandra Series.
Rahasya Naganche ( रहस्य नागांचे )
आज तो देव आहे चार हजार वर्षापूर्वी तो फक्त एक पुरुष होता . शोध सुरूच आहे. अशुभसुचक नाग योध्याने त्याच्या मित्राला बृहस्पतीला ठार मारले आणि आता त्याच्या पत्नीच्या मागे तो हात धुवून लागला आहे. तिबेट हून आलेला शिव हा स्थलांतरित सैतानाचा संहार करणार असल्याचे भाकीत आहे. आपल्या राक्षसी शत्रूचा शोध घेतल्याशिवाय तो मुळीच थांबणार नाही , मित्राच्या मृत्यूचा सूड घेण्याची तळमळ आणि सैतानापर्यंत पोहोचण्याच्या मार्गाचा शोध या दोन गोष्टी आपल्याला नागांच्या दारापर्यंत पोहोचवतील, याची त्याला खात्रीच होती . द्वेषी सैतानाच्या उद्याचा पुरावा सर्वत्रच आढळतो . एका जादुई औषधावर अवलंबून असल्यामुळे एक राज्य मृत्यू पंथाला लागते . एका अन्भिशीक्ता राजकुमाराचा खून होतो . शिवाचे तत्वज्ञान विषयक मार्गदर्शक असलेल्या वासुदेवावर शिवाचा गाढ विश्वास असतो . मात्र द्रुष्टांचे सहाय्य घेऊन ते त्याचा विश्वासघात करतात . अगदी परिपूर्ण साम्राज्य वाटणारे मेलूहा सुद्धा जन्माचे शहर म्हणून ओळखल्या जाणऱ्या मैकाम मधील भयानक रहस्यामुळे मलिन झालेले असते. शिवाला अज्ञात असलेला मुख्य सुत्राधर एक मोठाच खेळ खेळत असतो. प्राचीन भारताच्या संपूर्ण सीमारेषांपर्यंत नेणारा प्रवास केल्यावर शिवाला प्रचंड गूढ गोष्टीनी भरलेल्या प्रदेशातील सत्याचा शोध लागतो आणि त्याला समजते की , जसे वाटत होते तसे तिथे काहीच नव्हते. भयानक युद्ध खेळली जतिल. आश्चर्यजनक फसव्या युती केल्या जातील . शिवावरील तीन पुस्तकांच्या मालिकेतील ' मेलुहाचे मृत्युंजय ' हे पहिले पुस्तक . त्याचाच पुढचा भाग असलेल्या या पुस्तकात अविश्वसनीय वाटणाऱ्या रहस्यांचा भेद होईल .
The Oath of the Vayuputras: Shiva Trilogy 3
The Oath of the Vayuputras is the final book of the Shiva Trilogy. In the earlier books of the trilogy, Shiva finds out that the Nagas are not his enemies and joins hands with them to reach the root of all evil. This book will have answers to ‘the Neelkanth’s’ questions about his fate, the choices he made previously and karma. Further, in the concluding book of the trilogy, Shiva reaches Panchavati, the capital of Naga where he will come face to face with his greatest enemy. Will he win the battle over his wicked enemies, who are out to destroy him and his legacy? The Oath of the Vayuputras will also reveal the reason of Shiva’s close friend Brahaspati’s disappearance and reappearance at the end of the second book, The Secret of the Nagas. Further the relationship between Daksha, the king of Meluha and the mysterious temple priests will also be exposed in this last part of the trilogy. Shiva seeks helps from the Vayuputras in the quest to conquer all evil. The great warrior will encounter the real intentions of some characters he deemed to be close to him. Some new characters will add that extra vitality to the entire plot, especially Shiva’s greatest enemy whose name sends shivers down the spines of many great warriors. An interesting journey of a warrior who is turned into a God by his followers because of his deeds and war against the evil, this book is sure to have its readers’ full attention. A good read which will make one reflect on their actions, this book like the two earlier books of the trilogy focuses on philosophy, religion and the never ending battle between the good and the evil.
Meluhache Mrutyunjay (मेलुहाचे मृत्युंजय )
भगवान शिव म्हणजे देवांचा देव. त्याचे वास्तव्य कैलास पर्वतावर असल्याचे भारतीय संस्कृतीत समजले जाते. या दैवताचे पूजन माणसांप्रमाणे असुर, दैत्यही करत आले आहेत. पण या पौराणिक व्यक्तिरेखेचे चित्रण मानवरूपात करून त्याची विलक्षण कथा आमिश यांनी गुंफली आहे. दंतकथेचा वापर करून त्याचा संदर्भ मेलुहाचे मृत्यूंजय मध्ये आधुनिकतेशी जोडला आहे. म्हणूनच ही कादंबरी नेहमीपेक्षा वेगळी व वाचनीय आहे. एका अवखळ मुलाचा महादेवापर्यंत झालेला प्रवास यात मांडला आहे. तो सर्वस्वी अनोखा व विलक्षण आहे.
The Secret Of The Nagas
Today, He is a God. 4000 years ago, He was just a man. The hunt is on. The sinister Naga warrior has killed his friend Brahaspati and now stalks his wife Sati. Shiva, the Tibetan immigrant who is the prophesied destroyer of evil, will not rest till he finds his demonic adversary. His vengeance and the path to evil will lead him to the door of the Nagas, the serpent people. Of that he is certain. The evidence of the malevolent rise of evil is everywhere. A kingdom is dying as it is held to ransom for a miracle drug. A crown prince is murdered. The Vasudevs – Shiva’s philosopher guides – betray his unquestioning faith as they take the aid of the dark side. Even the perfect empire, Meluha is riddled with a terrible secret in Maika, the city of births. Unknown to Shiva, a master puppeteer is playing a grand game. In a journey that will take him across the length and breadth of ancient India, Shiva searches for the truth in a land of deadly mysteries – only to find that nothing is what it seems. Fierce battles will be fought. Surprising alliances will be forged. Unbelievable secrets will be revealed in this second book of the Shiva Trilogy, the sequel to the #1 national bestseller, The Immortals of Meluha.
The Immortals Of Meluha
Shiva, one of the chief Hindu deities, is portrayed in an entirely different light in Amish Tripathi's debut novel, The Immortals of Meluha. The first book of The Shiva Trilogy, The Immortals of Meluha charts Shiva's journey from the mountains with his Tibetan tribesmen to the kingdom of Meluha, which is occupied by the Suryavanshis, a race of people who are descendants of Lord Ram and live along the banks of the River Saraswati. When an episode involving the preserving drug somras leaves his throat blue, Shiva is hailed as the 'Mahadev' according to an ancient prophecy, the man who'll lead the Suryavanshis to victory against the Chandravanshis. Caught in the middle of a tense conflict, Shiva must now make some quick decisions to save Meluha from the wrath of the evil Chandravanshis and their twisted and disfigured assassins, The Nagas. Will Shiva be able to rise to the occasion and save the clan of the Suryavanshis? Why does the Princess Sati shy away from speaking to him every single time? Who are the Nagas, and why are they assisting the Chandravanshis? Set in 1990 B.C., the book takes readers on an imaginative and exciting journey through Amish's world. Upon its release, The Immortals of Meluha received positive reviews from critics. It became a surprise bestseller in the first week of its release.