Ramachya Pavlanvar Paool (रामाच्या पावलांवर पाऊल)
नवासातल्या वास्तव्यादरम्यान राम ज्या ज्या मार्गावरून पुढे गेले त्या सर्व स्थानांचा शोध घेत प्रवास केला तर…? अशी विलक्षण कल्पना लेखकद्वयीला सुचली आणि लागलीच त्यांनी आखणी करायला घेतली. आणि मग सुरू झाला त्यांचा प्रवास… अयोध्या… दंडकारण्य… पंचवटी… किष्किंधा… रामेश्वरम आणि मग श्रीलंका… या प्रवासात त्यांना स्थानिक लोक, पुजारी, महंत भेटले. सर्वांनी रामायणाशी जोडलेल्या अनेक आख्यायिका, कथा आणि कहाण्या ऐकवल्या. त्यातील अनेक कथा या पुस्तकात समाविष्ट केल्या आहेत. त्यामुळे हे पुस्तक अभ्यासपूर्ण तसंच रंजकही झालं आहे. प्रवासात लेखकद्वयीला असं लक्षात आलं की, या कथांच्या विविध आवृत्त्या असल्या, तरी त्यांना बांधून ठेवणारी नैतिकतेची चौकट एकच आहे ! पिढ्यान् पिढ्यांपासून भारतीय जनमानसात रुजलेल्या; लोकजीवन, सांस्कृतिक-सामाजिक अवकाश आणि भक्ती-परंपरा यांच्या संचिताचा अविभाज्य भाग झालेल्या रामकथेसोबत केलेला अनोखा शोधक प्रवासानुभव… रामाच्या पावलांवर पाऊल !
Raja Ravi Varma
A controversial novel based on the life of India's most celebrated painter, Raja Ravi VarmaHe was accused of making the gods look like humans and insulting them by portraying them in the nude. He countered that he saw divinity in both gods and humans, and that nudity was the purest form he knew. This is the story of a little boy who grew up making charcoal sketches on freshly whitewashed temple walls and went on to be titled in the court of Thiruvananthapuram as 'Raja' for his artistic prowess. His painting of a Nair woman who worked in his wife's palace brought him wrath and recognition alike. His deep involvement with Sugandha, the Maharastrian lady, who became Menaka, Damayanti and Urvashi in his most acclaimed works caught the fancy of many critics and admirers.
Darkness .
A boy who can predict the exact date a person will die... An elderly woman who knows that death is close, but learns how to cheat it... A child with a dangerous friend who happens to be invisible... A ghost who can t stop reliving his suicide over and over again... People you ll wish you never have to meet, and stories you ll never forget. Skilfully translated into English for the very first time, these chilling tales from master storyteller Ratnakar Matkari are bound to keep readers of all ages up at night. With every page you turn, you ll be looking over your shoulder to make sure no one s there. Look again. Maybe there is!
Shivaji The Great Maratha
'The epic text of Ranjit Desai's Shriman Yogi finds new voice in Vikrant Pande's nuanced translation, an immersive narrative of the foundations of the Maratha empire and the saga of its charismatic founder.' - Namita Gokhale. Young Shivaji reaches Pune, a dying fort city, with his mother Jijabai and lights the first lamp within its ruins. While his father Shahaji Bhosle is away on deputation by the Adil Shah sultanate after having failed in a revolt against it, Shivaji learns how an empire is built from the ground up. Thus begins the life of the Great Maratha. What awaits Shivaji is nothing short of the vast scroll of history, and it takes him from Surat to Thanjavur and all the way to Aurangzeb's durbar in Agra. He dreams of freeing his land from the clutches of Mughal rule, and though he suffers many defeats and personal losses along the way he never gives up his vision of Hindavi Swaraj. Amidst political intrigue and a chain of skirmishes, Shivaji becomes a leader, a warrior and a tactician par excellence, driven by immense pride and love for his motherland.
You who stand in a queue, who try to board a running local, who tolerate your boss's snide remarks and the trials and tribulations of marital life - you still manage to discuss politics with enthusiasm, to finish a game of cards, to laugh and to make others laugh ... You are a true karmachari. A collection of unforgettable short stories about ordinary people, Karmachari is a mirror held up to society. Set in suburban Mumbai of the 1970s, yet universal, it is peopled by characters we might meet in real life. They come alive under V.P. Kale's sharp but compassionate gaze, and prod us gently towards a world of greater kindness and understanding.
Shahen Shah
Aurangzeb must rebel against his father, and compete with his brothers, especially Darashikoh who is Emperor Shah Jahan's favoured son, to become the shahenshah of India and sit on the Peacock Throne. In politics, after all, trust and betrayal are two edges of the same sword. Meanwhile, in his zenankhana, the begums, constantly worrying about inheritance and bloodlines, grow jittery at the arrival of Hira, a mere concubine, who seems to have all of Aurangzeb's heart. The air is heavy with anger and envy, and conspiracies are afoot. Thus begins the reign of one of the darkest characters in Indian history. He murders his own brothers, thows his father in the Agra Fort prison and sends his children into exile. He declares jehad and relentlessly fights the Marathas, famed for their guerrilla tactics, for the last twenty-six years of his life. Aurangzeb is at once the tragic emperor and the anti-hero who can never be at ease. But he is equally the sovereign who picked up the sword at the age of eighty-two to protect his empire. He has often been described as a tyrant and a zealot in historical texts. In truth, he was a complex, much-conflicted man carrying forward the traditions of his predecessors, and the blood-soaked culture of kingly succession. Shahenshah: The Life of Aurangzeb unravels the inner life of the formidable emperor, and the twists of fate and duty that come with a crown. An all-time favourite of Marathi literature, this is the most popular of N.S. Inamdar's sixteen hugely successful historical novels. This effortless translation tells an intricate, affecting story of a deeply misunderstood Mughal.
Dombivali, Maharashtra. Mukund Joshi is fourteen, has just been promoted to class nine and whats more-he is newly in love with classmate Shirodkar. He attends the same private tuition's as her just to get a glimpse of her beautiful face and follows her back to her house every day. Of course, she has no clue that someones pining away to death for her, because Mukund lives in a time where society discourages social interaction between boys and girls, he is forced to keep his pursuit a secret. When hes not negotiating the tricky alleys of love, he sits out in the school field or loafs about town with close friends, Surya, Chitrya and Favdya, railing against the education system and debating ideas such as discipline and Bohemianism. Set in small-town India in the 1970s during the emergency, Shala is a delicately nuanced novel that tells the story of adolescent struggles, which are as tortuous in real time as they are amusing in retrospect.