Razor Sharp
A baffling crime. A rundown ex-cop. But he's their best bet. A city on edge A ruthless serial killer stalks the streets of Mumbai, leaving behind a gruesome trail of tortured victims. As the city reels in terror, the authorities grapple with a vital question: What links these seemingly random targets? A dogged investigator Enter Prakash Kadam, once a decorated cop but now an angry, bitter wreck of a man haunted by his past. Summoned to put an end to the madness, he finds himself neck-deep in an investigation mired in police sluggishness and antiquated forensics. A deadly game As old enmities resurface and perplexing twists in the case push him to the limit, can Kadam find the killer before it is too late? Or will he lose someone close to him---again? With Razor Sharp, the first book in an exciting new series, Ashwin Sanghi demonstrates yet again his undisputed mastery at weaving complex, gripping thrillers that keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Mazadache Jadugar (माझदाचे जादूगार)
"‘माझदाचे जादूगार’ ह्या पुस्तकाचं कथानक भूतकाळातून आणि विविध भौगोलिक वैशिष्ट्यांच्या प्रदेशातून वेड्यावाकड्या पद्धतीनं वाट काढत प्रवास करतं. हे कथानक, इस्लामिक जिहादचा कालखंड, मॅसिडोनियन सूडाचा कालखंड, अकिमेनिड साम्राज्याच्या वैभवाचं युग, प्रेषिताच्या जन्माचं युग, आर्यांमध्ये पडलेल्या फुटीचा कालखंड ... अशा कित्येक कालखंडांमधून चित्तथरारक प्रवास करत, अखेरीस ह्या सगळ्याची जिथून सुरुवात झाली होती, तिथे ... म्हणजेच वेदकालीन उगमापाशी येऊन पोचतं. ही अश्विन सांघी यांची आतापर्यंतची सर्वात प्रक्षोभक आणि मनाची पकड घेणारी कादंबरी आहे. "
The Vault of Vishnu (दि व्हॉल्ट ऑफ विष्णू)
अश्विन संघी यांचे हे नेहमीप्रमाणे गूढ आणि उत्कंठावर्धक कथानक आहे, जिथे इतिहास आणि मिथक यांचा मिलाप होतो. `द व्हॉल्ट ऑफ विष्णू` या कादंबरीमध्ये पल्लवाचा राजकुमार कंबोडियाचा राजा होण्यासाठी जातो. सोबत त्याने जपून नेलेली गुपितेच अनेक शतकांनंतर युद्धाची कारणे बनतात. प्राचीन चीन मधील एक बुद्ध साधू एका कोड्याचे धागे शोधत भारतात येतो. ते कोडे सोडवल्याने त्याचा राजा सर्वशक्तिशाली होणार असतो. भारत - चीन सीमेवरील युद्धामुळे ज्ञानसंवर्धनासाठी आदिवासी जमातींनी चालवलेला लढा दुर्लक्षित राहतो. दरम्यानएक शास्त्रज्ञ कांचीपुरम मधील मंदिरातील प्राचीन लिपीचा अर्थ उलगडण्यात यशस्वी होतो. या प्रवासात सिक्रेट एजंट त्याच्या मागावर असतात. या सगळ्या वादळात एक अन्वेषक सापडते. तिचा स्वतःचाही गुंतागुंतीचा भूतकाळ आहे. जगाचा तोल सांभाळला जाण्यासाठी तिला काळ वेळेविरुद्ध शर्यत करावी लागते.
Six Degrees Game of Blogs
As part of their #CelebrateBlogging initiative, BlogAdda.com, ran the first edition of Game of Blogs in September 2014. Five characters and their descriptions were provided. The objective was to write a fictional story revolving around these characters. Bloggers came together as teams and after three rounds filled with its own set of twists and turns, three stories made it to the end. The three stories in this book are a fascinating example of how one set of characters can have interesting lives with completely different dimensions. is a result of how collaboration can truly breed creativity in the modern day world of connected living.
Chanakyacha Mantra (चाणक्याचा मंत्र)
`चाणक्याचा मंत्र`. चाणक्य कोण हे सर्व भारतीयांस चांगलेच ठाऊक आहे. इसवीसन पूर्व ३४०. परिस्थितीने होरपळलेला पण ध्येयाने झपाटलेला एक ब्राह्मण युवक आपल्या परमप्रिय पित्याच्या निर्घृण हत्येचा सूड घेण्याची प्रतिज्ञा करतो. थंड डोक्याचा, कावेबाज, कठोर व प्रचलित नीतिमूल्यांना न जुमानणारा तो युवक, भारतातील सर्वश्रेष्ठ रणनीतिकार बनतो. अलेक्झांडरच्या आक्रमणाविरुद्ध विस्कळीत झालेल्या भारताला एकसंघ बनवण्यात यशस्वी होतो. चंद्रगुप्ताला विशाल मौर्य साम्राज्याच्या सिंहासनावर विराजमान करतो. आजच्या काळात म्हणजे अडीच सहस्राद्बीनंतर चाणक्य पुन्हा गंगासागर मिश्राच्या रूपात अवतार घेतो. भारतातील एका छोट्या शहरात, व्यवसायाने शिक्षक असणारा गंगासागर अनेक महत्त्वाकांक्षी व्यक्तींना आपल्या हातातील कठपुतळ्या बनवतो.आधुनिक भारत हा प्राचीन भारतासारखाच वर्णभेद, भ्रष्टाचार आणि समाज विभाजक राजकारण ह्यांनी दुंभगलेला आहे. हा कावेबाज पंडित, भारताला पुन्हा एकदा एकत्र आणण्याचा चमत्कार करू शकेल का? याचे उत्तर मिळवण्यासाठी अश्विन सांघी या सर्वाधिक खपाची पुस्तके लिहिणाऱ्या या लेखकाचे `चाणक्याचा मंत्र` हे पुस्तक वाचलेच पाहिजे.
The Vault of Vishnu
A Pallava prince travels to Cambodia to be crowned king, carrying with him secrets that will be the cause of great wars many centuries later. A Buddhist monk in ancient China treks south to India, searching for the missing pieces of a puzzle that could make his emperor all-powerful. A Neolithic tribe fights to preserve their sacred knowledge, oblivious to the war drums on the Indo-China border. Meanwhile, far away in the temple town of Kanchipuram, a reclusive scientist deciphers ancient texts even as a team of secret agents shadows his every move. Caught in the storm is a young investigator with a complex past of her own, who must race against time to maintain the balance of power in the new world. Welcome back to the exciting and shadowy world of Ashwin Sanghi, where myth and history blend into edge-of-the-seat action.
Keepers Of The Kalachakra
A seemingly random selection of heads of state are struck down like flies by unnamed killers who work with the clinical efficiency of butchers. Except that they leave no trace of their methods. Welcome back to the shadowy and addictive world of Ashwin Sanghi. After The Rozabal Line, Chanakya’s Chant, The Krishna Key and The Sialkot Saga, Ashwin Sanghi returns at last with another quietly fearsome tale—this time of men who guard the ‘Kalachakra’ or The Wheel of Time. Sanghi describes a world of people at war with one another—a boomeranging conflict of faiths that results in acts of such slow and planned human cruelty that they defy human imagination. Caught in the midst of this madness is Vijay Sundaram, a geek scientist who is only dimly aware that the wider sky outside his laboratory is stretched taut and close to being torn apart by forces that he wants simply to have nothing to do with. But events conspire to propel Vijay into the labyrinth of Milesian Labs, a centre of research deep in the forested hills of Uttarakhand. What he stumbles upon is a primordial clue to a galactic secret that could accelerate the downward spiral of humankind. Trapped and wholly unaware of his actual foe, Vijay races against time to save humanity—and himself. Zigzagging from Rama’s crossing to Lanka to the birth of Buddhism; from the origin of Wahhabism to the Einsteinian gravitational wave-detectors of LIGO; from the charnel-grounds of naked tantric practitioners to the bespoke suits of the Oval Office; and from the rites of Minerva, shrouded in frankincense, to the smoke-darkened ruins of Nalanda, Keepers of the Kalachakra is a journey that will have you gasping for breath—but one that you cannot abandon till all the pieces of the jigsaw come together. Till you come up gobsmack against an end that you simply did not see coming.
13 Steps To Bloody Good Marks
Students Who Get Good Marks Are Those Who Are Brilliant Or Those Who Cram. True Or False? False! There Are Also Students Who Simply Study Smart. The Indian education system is a minefield. Negotiating this minefield and emerging with flying colours is a source of great strain and anxiety for Indian pupils and parents alike. Who can guide students to develop good study habits and thus get better results Enter 13 Steps To Bloody Good Marks. After the stupendous success of 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck and 13 Steps to Bloody Good Wealth, bestselling author Ashwin Sanghi (along with co-author, Ashok Rajani) presents a power-packed little book that provides simple, straightforward and effective steps that are a sure-fire way to obtain Bloody Good Marks! About the Author Ashwin Sanghi Ashwin Sanghi Ranks among India’s highest-selling authors of English fiction. He has written several bestsellers (The Rozabal Line, Chanakya’s Chant, The Krishna Key, The Sialkot Saga), a New York Times bestselling crime thriller called Private India (and its sequel Private Delhi), together with James Patterson. Sanghi has also penned a non-fiction title, 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck and co-authored 13 Steps to Bloody Good Wealth. He was included by Forbes India in their Celebrity 100 and is a winner of the Crossword Popular Choice Award. Ashok Rajani Ashok L. Rajani was educated in St. Mary’s High School, Chennai, Loyola College, Chennai, and College of Engineering, Guindy. He joined Andhra Bank as a departmental officer in 1978, took the banking exam (CAIIB), completed an MBA (Finance) and went on to teach in the bank’s Staff Training College. After retiring, he taught himself the APA guidelines and edited engineering-related technical papers and Ph.D. theses of Indian and international candidates. He also taught freelance classes on communication skills and management for B.B.A. and M.B.A. students while editing several books for Indian, British and American authors.
13 Steps To Bloody Good Luck
Ashwin Sanghi reveals a surefire way to improve your life with The 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck. Summary of the Book Life isn’t always easy. There are people who seem to drive through it with hard work and talent. There are others who just fall by the wayside. Then there are those who seem to find luck wherever they go. They seem to have some mysterious way of attracting luck, empowering them in all that they do. But is it possible to attract luck? Is there some way of training ourselves to become lucky? In this book, Ashwin Sanghi reveals that luck isn’t a fickle mistress always on the run. She’s well within reach, if you know where to look. He brings together several anecdotes and narratives incorporating personal experiences and vignettes which show readers how to tap into this mysterious fountain of luck. He gives readers a brand new image of what it means to be lucky and shows them how to become successful by finding luck no matter what they do. If luck has seemed to be in short supply in your life, this is the book for you! About Ashwin Sanghi Ashwin Sanghi is a bestselling Indian writer. He is known for his books: The Rozabal Line, Chanakya’s Chant and The Krishna Key. He has also co-written Private India with James Patterson. Sanghi received the Vodafone-Crossword Popular Choice Award and he was included in Forbes’ Celebrity India list. A student of the Cathedral & John Connon school, Mumbai and St. Xavier's college, Mumbai, Sanghi completed his postgraduate education at Yale. He is currently based in Mumbai, where he lives with his family.
Private India
rivate India is a thrilling suspense novel from two masters of the art: Ashwin Sanghi and James Patterson. Summary of the Book When a series of seemingly unconnected murders rock the city of Mumbai with the macabre rituals and artefacts found around the corpses, Private India, a leading investigation agency takes the case. Santosh Wagh, the head of the organization, has only one mission. He needs to stop the killers before they strike again. However, in a city of over 13 million people, he finds that the clock is ticking too fast. He finds himself pitted against underworld dons and a Godman who isn't what he seems. However, the worst is yet to come and Private India itself may be threatened with a revelation that could destroy the entire organization. About the Authors Ashwin Sanghi is an Indian writer and entrepreneur. He has also written: Chanakya’s Chant and The Krishna Key. He is also known by his pseudonym: Shawn Haigins. A graduate of the Yale School of Management and St. Xavier’s College, he has since been awarded several acclaims for his work. His second book has been optioned for a movie by UTV and is expected to begin production soon. He currently lives in Mumbai with his loving family. James Patterson is a bestselling American writer. He is best known for Along Came a Spider, Jack & Jill, When the Wind Blows and Step on a Crack among over 100 others.
The Rozabal Line
The Rozabal Line is the debut novel of Ashwin Sanghi. The author has taken up the creative liberty of using various religious facts in order to whip up an epic fictional thriller. Sanghi speculates that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion and spent his missing years in India, and that the men searching for Jesus were Buddhist Monks who were searching for the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. He mentions that the lost tribes of Israel may have settled in Kashmir. The author also introduces St. Thomas as one of Jesus’s closest friends and Mary Magdalene as a woman from the ancient Mauryan Empire headed by Ashoka. The book further features terrorist attacks that share some parallels with the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Sanghi’s hypothesis goes on to establish that Jesus’s descendants are today’s Kashmiri Islamists. The author draws some similar lines between the fate of a group of terrorists and that of Jesus and his 12 apostles. The book traces the roots of various religions and states that all their origins are closely knit. The Rozabal Line was first published in 2007 under Sanghi's pseudonym Shawn Haigins in the United States. The revised edition was later published in India under Sanghi’s own name in 2008 before Westland published it in 2010. India Today ranked The Rozabal Line as one the top five bestselling fictional works in India. The Rozabal Line has received favourable reviews from national dailies such as The Hindu and Tehelka as well.
The Krishna Key
Five thousand years ago, there came to earth a magical being called Krishna, who brought about innumerable miracles for the good of mankind. Humanity despaired of its fate if the Blue God were to die but was reassured that he would return in a fresh avatar when needed in the eventual Dark Age—the Kaliyug. In modern times, a poor little rich boy grows up believing that he is that final avatar. Only, he is a serial killer. In this heart-stopping tale, the arrival of a murderer who executes his gruesome and brilliantly thought-out schemes in the name of God is the first clue to a sinister conspiracy to expose an ancient secret—Krishna’s priceless legacy to mankind. Historian Ravi Mohan Saini must breathlessly dash from the submerged remains of Dwarka and the mysterious lingam of Somnath to the icy heights of Mount Kailash, in a quest to discover the cryptic location of Krishna’s most prized possession. From the sand-washed ruins of Kalibangan to a Vrindavan temple destroyed by Aurangzeb, Saini must also delve into antiquity to prevent a gross miscarriage of justice. Ashwin Sanghi brings you yet another exhaustively researched whopper of a plot, while providing an incredible alternative interpretation of the Vedic Age that will be relished by conspiracy buffs and thriller-addicts alike.
Chanakya's Chant
The year is 340 BC. A hunted, haunted Brahmin youth vows revenge for the gruesome murder of his beloved father. Cold, calculating, cruel and armed with a complete absence of accepted morals, he becomes the most powerful political strategist in Bharat and succeeds in uniting a ragged country against the invasion of the army of that demigod, Alexander the Great. Pitting the weak edges of both forces against each other, he pulls off a wicked and astonishing victory and succeeds in installing Chandragupta on the throne of the mighty Mauryan empire. History knows him as the brilliant strategist Chanakya. Satisfied—and a little bored—by his success as a kingmaker, through the simple summoning of his gifted mind, he recedes into the shadows to write his Arthashastra, the ‘science of wealth’. But history, which exults in repeating itself, revives Chanakya two and a half millennia later, in the avatar of Gangasagar Mishra, a Brahmin teacher in smalltown India who becomes puppeteer to a host of ambitious individuals—including a certain slumchild who grows up into a beautiful and powerful woman. Modern India happens to be just as riven as ancient Bharat by class hatred, corruption and divisive politics and this landscape is Gangasagar’s feasting ground. Can this wily pandit—who preys on greed, venality and sexual deviance—bring about another miracle of a united India? Will Chanakya’s chant work again? Ashwin Sanghi, the bestselling author of The Rozabal Line, brings you yet another historical spinechiller.