Scripting Destiny: Life Lessons
Dr. K.H. Sancheti is an orthopaedic surgeon with a difference. Founder of the Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation (SIOR), Pune – one of the largest single speciality hospitals in South East Asia. He is the Director and Chief Orthopaedic surgeon of SIOR. Recognised for his exceptional service in the field of Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, Medical Education and Research, the Government of India awarded him with the Padmashree in 1991 and Padmabhushan in 1993. Dr. Sancheti, or KHS, as he is endearingly called, is an innovator – designer of affordable orthopaedic prosthesis for the Indian masses. INDUS – the indigenous total knee transplant prosthesis, the first of its kind in the country, is a result of his research. Dr. Sancheti is an Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon to His Excellency the Governor of Maharashtra and the Indian Armed Forces. He holds several distinguished positions in medical and academic institutions. Dr. Sancheti is also a self-taught hospital designer and has offered his expertise to several hospitals across the nation. Even at the age of 75 years, KHS continues to be a practicing orthopaedic surgeon and relentlessly pursues his research to innovate, design and manufacture. His Charitable work in healthcare continues unabated. Scripting Destiny inspires and tells how one can reach out for the skies!
Social Median Ghadavaleli Kranti(इजिप्त... वेल घोन
गूगलसारख्या जगप्रसिद्ध कंपनीतील मोठ्या पगाराची नोकरी सोडून वेल घोनिम देशवासीयांसाठी लढा उभारतो. इजिप्तमधील जनतेला तो संघटित करतो ते केवळ फेसबुकच्या माध्यमातून. सोशल मीडियाचा वापर मंनोरंजनापलीकडे करणारे वेल घोनिमची ही कथा धनंजय बिजले यांनी लिहिली आहे. 18 दिवसांच्या क्रांतीने तीस वर्षांची राजवट लयाला जाण्याचे हे इतिहासातील पहिलेच उदाहरण आहे. सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून झालेल्या या ऐतिहासिक क्रांतीचा वेध घेण्यात हे पुस्तक यशस्वी ठरले आहे.
The Comeback(द कमबॅक)
A riveting corporate tale that would be of special interest to anyone who has ever wondered what it takes to survive in business. This is a story of an engineer and his construction company. A series of reckless decisions by his trusted colleagues , of which he is quite unaware, take the company on a downward spiral and he realizes to his horror that he is on the bank of bankruptcy .. But … Harsh Mehta, the protagonist of the novel chooses the path of arduous struggle and not only he turns around his company but salvage his honour among his clients and restore his self-esteem.
Ahe Loktantra Tarihi (आहे लोकतंत्र तरीही)
आज आपल्या देशात लोकशाही नांदत असतानाही काही वैगुण्यांनी देशाची कामगिरी झाकोळली जात आहे. अशी वैगुण्ये कोणते, समाजात अजून कोणत्या उणीवा राहिल्या आहेत, त्या दूर करण्यासाठी कोणते उपाय केले पाहिजेत, अशा प्रश्नांची चर्चा डॉ. सहसबुद्धे यांनी आपल्या या 'आहे लोक-तंत्र तरीही...' या लेख-संग्रहात केली आहे. डॉ. सहसबुद्धे एखाद्या राजकीय किंवा सामाजिक घटनेकडे पाहून किती वेगवेगळ्या अंगांनी विचार करतात, याची उदाहरणे या लेख-संग्रहात अनेक पानांवर आढळतात.
Ilandas Story
This book tells, in assorted episodes, the story of a hardy mother's struggle to make sure that her son got a decent education. The book is based against the background of a world where an untouchable woman lives a life few would be familiar with. Uttam Kamble, a prolific writer himself, talks about his own mother in a style that veers from the conventional. Ilanda Maruti Kamble is the protagonist of the book, a strong willed woman who believes that destiny is after all what one does with life by going against societal norms, if need be. Because of this alone, the book is actually a tribute to millions of other women to undergo a daily struggle so that their children may do well. The original Marathi book has been translated into English by Dr. V.V.Badwe.
Siddharth Pardhe struggled against circumstances and financial problems to complete his education up to M Com. While studying, he worked and helped his family. I admire his and his family's attitude, for they continued on the right path. I hope young people born in similar circumstances as Siddharth and others will be inspired from his autobiography.
Meluhache Mrutyunjay (मेलुहाचे मृत्युंजय )
भगवान शिव म्हणजे देवांचा देव. त्याचे वास्तव्य कैलास पर्वतावर असल्याचे भारतीय संस्कृतीत समजले जाते. या दैवताचे पूजन माणसांप्रमाणे असुर, दैत्यही करत आले आहेत. पण या पौराणिक व्यक्तिरेखेचे चित्रण मानवरूपात करून त्याची विलक्षण कथा आमिश यांनी गुंफली आहे. दंतकथेचा वापर करून त्याचा संदर्भ मेलुहाचे मृत्यूंजय मध्ये आधुनिकतेशी जोडला आहे. म्हणूनच ही कादंबरी नेहमीपेक्षा वेगळी व वाचनीय आहे. एका अवखळ मुलाचा महादेवापर्यंत झालेला प्रवास यात मांडला आहे. तो सर्वस्वी अनोखा व विलक्षण आहे.
Women And The Weight Loss Tamasha
'फिट, परफेक्ट... कम्प्लीट वुमन बनण्याचा मूलमंत्र देणारं.. 'लाइफस्टाइल गाईड' अस या पुस्तकाचं वर्णन करण्यात आले आहे. अभिनेत्री करीना कपूर ला 'साइझ झिरो' करण्याचा श्रेय या पुस्तकाच्या लेखिका "ऋतुजा दिव[...]